The tamagotchi that found a home!


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
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Chapter 5

It was geting pretty late outside. It was nice and warm and the clouds were pink, purple and all sorts of colors in the sky. Katie had to get home before her mom had a fit. "I have to go now Bella." "I dont want my mom to get mad." she said. "Ok katie." "Can you come back tomorrow?" "We can go to the store and pick up some baby stuff." said Isebella. "Sure Bella, mabye while were there we can get Duncan some baby food. said Katie "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow" said Isebella while Katie was leaving. Bye! said Katie and she quietly shut the door. Duncan yawned really loud. You could tell he was tired. "Aww. Are you tired duncan?" Duncan nodded. "I'll make you some dinner and then you can go to bed." Isebella went into the kitchen and made some "Shake and bake" but she smushed it so it would be safe for duncan. "Here you go duncan." Isebella took a spoon and scooped up some "Shake and bake." Duncan opend his mouth and chewed. He liked it. Right after he finished, Isebella took some formula from the refrideuater and botteld fed duncan. Duncan fell asleep while drinking it. Isebella smiled, but dident have a crib for last minuete so she placed him with lots of her pillows and blankets. She tucked him in and gave him his teddy. Duncan was sound asleep. Isebella quietly shut the door and tip toed down stairs. She felt really good, like she was a mom. :D She went down stairs to her basement to see if her old crib was down there. She looked through a bunch of stuff and pulled them out of the way. Then she saw a door that she did not reconize. "A door?" "I've never seen that before?" Isebella went closer to the door and tried to open it. It was locked. "Aw man!" There's got to be a key around her?" Then on top of the door there was a key. She laughed and said "Not the best place to keep a key." She put the key througn the key hole and it opend. It was dark at first, but there was a light switch. She turned on the light and she could not belive waht she was seeing. It was a bunch of gold, dimands and money! OMG! Isebella looked around and was soo happy. Not only could she have money for the tamagotchi, but she could have a better house and life style.

Chapter 6 coming soon. :(
