The Tamagotchi Travelers


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Jun 18, 2005
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Ummm....where do I live?
Long ago I made a Tamagotchi story called The Tamagotchi Travelers. I'm going to re-post it so I can make the sequel then the series so everyone could know the characters.

Here are the character bios

:ph34r: Masky: A smarty and he has a crush on Middy.

:mimitchi: Middy: Another smarty. She has a crush on Masky. Very secretly she does.

:) Shyby: A shy Memetchi who is the friend of Middy and Wormy and some other girls and she's Quave's girlfriend.

:( Quave: He doesn't look like the Mametchi I'm showing. He looks like a regular Mametchi.

;) Dolly: Her original name was Dollar but since Dollar met her and she doesn't like her name, she changed it to Dolly.

Dollar: Theres no smiley for a Whaletchi or whatever those whales are called but that's what Dollar is.

:wacko: Kurby: Kurby's a smart Androtchi that's great with electronics! He also has a crush on Flowy.

:huh: Flowy: She's a shy Furwatchi

:lol: Bobin: He works at the concession stand at the TamaTower Movie Theater. He also has a crush on Princess Tooto.

:p Princess Tooto: She is the daughter of the King of all Tamas and she's looking for love.

:( Nincy: She works at the Ticket Stand at the Theater. She is the wife of Niddy.

:p Niddy: He's the husband of Nincy.

:D Blobo: He's an evil little toddler that wants to rule all Tamas.

The King of All Tamas: It says it in his name!

:( Barker: Wormy's partner!

Wormy: She's a nice Hanatchi! She's best buddies with our friends!

I hope you know all of the characters now!

Oh and I would like to thank all the TamaTalk members that helped me complete this story!

Oh and I didn't write in the Pokemon! There not in the series!


Once there was a Masktchi named Masky, a Mametchi named Quave, a Memetchi named Shyby, a Hanatchi named Wormy, and a Mimitchi named Middy. They were 5 best friends. They lived in Tamaville. A small town for Tamagotchis. They dreamed of traveling to places that many Tamagotchis went. They could even try going where no Tamagotchis went. Like circiling Planet Earth. Or even going to another planet. Like Mars. Well About the Characters. Masky who was a smarty. As smart as an Androtchi and Wormy. Masky also has a crush on Middy. In this story. They will meet a bunch of people. Like The Tamagotchi King and Princess Tooto. Quave just seems to be Shyby's boyfriend. They have been going out for a while. The thing of this story is that Princess Tooto needed to find love so she can take the throne (allthough the king will still be in charge) so the friends go on the road to find a man for her. While with the evil Kurby can fix the eggs, he is also after Flowy . So there the Tamagotchis are on their adventures!

Chapter 1: Bored With an Idea!

This was a normal day. Our buddies were at Tamagotchi High, but, our friends were still teenagers. Shyby was an Oniontchi, Masky was a firehead dude, Wormy was an Ichigotchi, and of course Middy and Quave were a Young Mimitchi and a Young Mametchi. It was the day before they graduate High School and get their UFO License, their diploma, and then they morph into an adult. Tamaville was getting prepared for the ceremony. There was even other ceremonies. There was one for the new Tamagotchis hatching and going into Elementary, one for the Tamagotchis morphing into Toddlers and going to middle school, and the Tamagotchis morphing into teenagers and going to High school. It was very exciting! Our friends were having a conversation. "I can't wait!" Quave said. "I hope we get to dance together!" Shyby said. "They say I'll be a Hanatchi. Bye bye legs!" Wormy said. "I can't wait to see my beutiful self! A Mimitchi!" Middy said. "I just can't wait to get arms and legs!" Masky said. "I can't wait to get arms!" Shyby said. "I think we should go on an adventure after we morph!" Masky said. "I can't wait!" Middy said. The adventure begins soon!


As they were getting ready for the ceremony, Quave started to shake. They all thought he was just nervous, but then SHyby leaned in and gave him a hug and a good luck present. After he felt MUCH better. But then, Wormy came up to Quave and gave him a box of poop! Shyby started crying and Quave challeneged Wormy to a game of bump....

Chapter 3: A Ceremony

The day has come! Our friends are graduating and morphing! After the guy called everybody up so they can morph, they all went to dinner. Then home. Our friends talked about the adventure. Then they all talked about it to their parents. They all said it was Okay, but, they were nervous. They packed them their backpacks full of stuff they need and they gave them their Tamagotchi Digital Eggs which holds things like their UFO's or scooters. The things they need to travel. They also had plenty of gotchi points to buy tickets and food. They were going to first go to TamaTown then to circle Tama-Planet. Maybe they were going to other planets like Earth and Mars. So they set off. They would do this for fame, dances, excitement, some love, and adventure.

Chapter 4: The Plane

Our friends are at the airport now. They just bought tickets to TamaTown. They say good-bye to their parents and got on the plane. Everybody sat down. Quave sat next to Shyby, Middy sat next to Masky, and Wormy sat next to an Androtchi. "Mind if I sit here?" Wormy said. "No not at all" said the Androtchi. "I'm Wormy" Wormy said. "The name's Kurby" he said. "You come from Tamaville?" Wormy said. "No. TamaCity! Nice place to live!" Kurby said. "I'm headed to to TamaTown to see "The Final Race"! Only place that plays it! TamaTower Theater. Located in TamaTown." He continued. "I'm headed for TamaTown too! Only for a vacation with my friends." Wormy said. "Cool" he said. So they continued flying to TamaTown.

Chapter 5: The Big TamaTown

When our friends and Kurby landed in TamaTown at The Travel Agency in TamaTown, Wormy introduced Kurby to her friends then they took a bus to the theater. They all went to see "The Final Race". When they walked out Kurby lost attention to his friends. "Kurby?" Masky said. "I found her" Kurby said. "Who?" Middy said. "The beutiful Furawatchi, Flowy. I had a crush on her since I started High school. She moved the year before we graduated. I was looking for her ever since. Hoping to find her." Kurby said. "Ahh. A puppy looking for a poodle. Go say hi to her! First step to get her!" Quave said. Then they heard a crash. Then they heard an evil laugh. "Oh no! Not again!" A Gozarutchi at the ticket stand said. "What happened?" Wormy said. "It's Blobo. The evil Blobgotchi. He always breaking the nearest connection of the Tamagotchi Digital Eggs." A Kutchipatchi at the Concession stand said. "No problem! I can always find somthing else for the TDEs to connect to! It's in my Tamagotchis instinct!" Kurby said. "Great!" Shyby said. Kurby got the connection back then they went to explore more to TamaTown.

Chapter 6: Dollar Meets Dollar

A small Whaletchi strolled down the street, looking in the windows of Tamagotchi stores. The Whaletchi's name was Dollar. Dollar loved buying stuff. Then, Dollar met Shyby. Dollar became friends immediatly. Then Dollar bought a ball for Shyby. They played with it for a while, then Dollar heard a Memetchi saying"I need a friend!" Dollar stopped playing ball and he trotted over to the orange Tamagotchi character. "What's the matter?" Dollar asked. "No one likes me or my name!" The Memetchi cried. "What is your name?" Dollar asked. "Dollar, what's yours?" Memtchi replied. "Dollar" the young Whaletchi said, looking suprised.

Chapter 7: Dollar's new name

Dollar the whale dude thought of a name for Dollar the Memetchi. "How about Dolly?!" Dollar said. "Yay!" Dollar who is now Dolly said. Then Shyby came over and Dollar introduced Dolly then Shyby introduced them both to the gang. "This just gets more fun by the second!" Wormy said. So they all started playing with a ball.

Chapter 8: The King's Royalty

So our friends go to meet the King of Tamagotchis. Kurby ran into Flowy. They said hi to each other. Flowy asked to hang. Kurby got excited and said yes. When they got to the castle, they heard crying. Middy asked who was crying. He said it was his daughter Princess Tooto. He said if he can't find someone for her to marry in a month, the evil Blobo will have to. She wants someone who she will love. Someone who is kind and sweet. And of course be mature enough to have the kings throne when he's gone. They said they would look a little for her. So he gave gotchi points to Masky, Middy, Quave, Shyby, Wormy, Kurby, Flowy, Dollar, and Dolly. He even welcomed them to stay at his kingdom at nights. He said good luck to our friends. They went to search TamaTown.

Chapter 9: Internet Dating?

Kurby suggested internet dating. They made Princess Tooto a page on It was the Matchmaker's website. They even tried to get her someone from the Matchmaker but Tooto didn't like her match. So they left her page open on They decided to give up. Then Masky said no. They would travel and find her somebody. The guy at the Concession stand at the Theater (his name is Bobin) said he would help. They were doing their best. Their only hope was probally internet dating.

Chapter 10: Trapped in TamaTown

A thunderstorm came. It was gonna last a month! The planes were down for the entire thunderstorm so they couldn't travel. They almost had no hope left

Chapter 11: The 12 Dates For a Princess

After a few days Princess Tooto's page had 12 dates. But 11 of them were really Blobo. But there was the last 1. He said he was mature. He holded his food stand with great responsibility. He loved his job. And he loved movies. Same with the Princess. They had a lot in common. He wished to keep her happy and be with her always. "This is the one!" Princess Tooto said. He also said that he was green and that he lived in TamaTown. "Great!" Quave said. So they searched. "I know this is kind of quick, but, wanna go catch a movie or somthing?" Kurby said to Flowy. Flowy nodded. Kurby was happier than a dog with a cookie! They searched the food court. Nobody there was Tooto's love. They searched every food stand in town. But no hope. They went to see a movie. Bobin the kustchipatchi and the concession stand overheard them. "There's no hope left" Tooto said. "I think I know where you can find him" Bobin said. "Where?!" Tooto said excitedly. "In back of The Matchmaker Tower at sunset" he said. "Yay!" they all said.

Chapter 12: A Hanatchi's Partner

When our friends walked out of the theater, Wormy ran into a Pochitchi. "Hi! I'm Barker!" The dog said. "I'm Wormy!" Wormy said. "Wanna play ball or fetch? It's fun for me!" Barker said. "Sure!" said Wormy. So they went and the purchased a ball and a frisbee at the mall. Then Barker purchased a lion doll for Wormy. Wormy was so happy! Like they say. Man's best friend. Well, she's a girl and she's a Hanatchi so it's "A Hanatchi's Partner"!

Chapter 13: Doesn't See Green, but Brown with Evil Red Eyes

It was sunset. They went to the Matchmaker tower. Our friends spied at the side while Princess Tooto went in back and looked for her green "internet boyfriend". "Green boy! Where are you?" called the princess. "He's not here. But I am. Haha" an evil voice came from the shadows. She looked and saw red eyes. But then it stepped out and it was Blobo! "The month ends tommorrow Princess Tooto. That's when are wedding is planned. Hhaahahahahahaha!" Blobo said. "Wait a second!" Kurby wispered. He pulled out some goggles and placed them over his eyes. "According to the Tama age look, Blobo's just a toddler! He can't get married yet!" He continued. Flowy put her hand on his shoulder. "But Kurby, Blobo's gonna threaton the king and Princess Tooto to marry" she said. Kurby sighed. Princess Tooto came running over crying. "There is no hope left!" she said in tears and ran off. When they went back to the kingdom, the king let them stay for the night, again. They had their own lovely rooms with double beds!

Chapter 14: A Fright in the Night

Princess Tooto sat in her bed. Holding the covors. Looking at the other bed across from her. Which was empty until she married. That would be her husband's bed. She sighed. Hoping she wouldn't have to marry Blobo.

Well everyone had to share a room with someone. Except the princess. Every room had two double beds. One for each roomates.

Quave with Shyby, Flowy with Kurby, Wormy with Barker, Dollar with Dolly, and Masky with Middy.

In Masky and Middy's room, Masky was reading a book on the kingdom. Middy was reading her kitty story. There were ghosts about. Haunting the Kingdom. Masky had a scared look on his face. "Masky, are you OK?" Middy said. "I'm fine. There's just ghosts in the kingdom!" Masky said. "Calm down! It's fine!" Middy said. All of a sudden Middy's Tamagotchi Digital Egg beeped. "I have a message!" Middy said. "It's from Nincy! The Gozarutchi from the ticket stand at the theater!" Middy continued. She started to read the message. "Middy, Bobin is missing. I thought it was best to tell you now so Blobo doesn't break this message through connection. He didn't come to work today and that's not like him. He didn't call in sick. It was probally Blobo because Bobin is Princess Tooto's internet boyfriend. He's probally trapped. Go now." Middy read. "Oh no!" Masky said. "We have to go to Blobo's lair!" Middy said. "How can we get there?" Masky said. "We fly. But what do we have to fly with?" Middy said. Masky reached into his instinct pocket. He pulled out bat wings. "Masktchi's fly!" Masky said. Middy reached into her instict pocket. "With a long Mimitchi bow! We can fly!" Middy said. "Bring your TDE!" Middy said. They grabbed their TDEs and TDE pouches with a lanyard which looks like them. They put them around their necks. Maksy put on his bat wings and Middy used her long ribbon bow to tie herself to his belly and they flew off!

Chapter 15: Up, Up, and Away!

Masky blushed BIG TIME! He was thankful that he had a red mask on so that nobody would see how much he's blushing. It was the nighttime sky. The fresh air. The coolness. Then a gang of Masktchis/bats showed up. "Look who came to join the party!" One Masktchi said. "Were just going to save a friend" middy said. "Ok! Good luck pretty" he said. Middy rolled her eyes. The masktchis turned around and kept going. So did they. Soon they landed at Blobo's lair.

Back with the rest of our friends, it was morning. It was raining again. The king and the princess were scared so they locked the castle. No shops were open yet. They were soaked. In the rain.


It kept raining and raining, soaking the group more and more. No taxi would offer a ride. Then, Dolly spotted a large figure eating a pineapple. "What's that?" Dolly asked. "A Snorlax! It is a Pokemon!" Shyby replied. The Snorlax heard them. It trotted over to them. "It sure is big, but it looks powerful!" Wormy observed. "Hi! I am Smiley, the Snorlax! I don't care about rain. Want me to protect you?" the large Pokemon asked. "Yes, please!!" the group chorused. The Snorlax bent over the group, protecting them. "That Smiley is such a good friend to have!" Dollar said as the rain stopped about 4 hours later.

Chapter 17: Blobo's Lair

When they landed, it was day and Masky put away his wings and Middy put away her ribbon. Middy grabbed Masky's hand and they went inside. They saw connection breakers. Stuff to knock down the connection towers. They saw goo-guns and water-guns. They even saw a big polished crown. They went to the cells. They saw Bobin in one. "Bobin are you alright?" Middy said. Bobin was crying. "You came so you can't leave. Hahahaha!" Blobo who was behind them said. He put them in the cell right next to Bobin's. "All I wanted to do was marry Princess Tooto. I loved her and not the throne. I wished to make her happy. I was her internet boyfriend. I was at the matchmaker tower. Until Blobo came and trapped me." Bobin said in tears. "We'll get out of here" Masky said. Middy hugged Masky. Holding him.

Chapter 18: A Calling

"Thanks for stopping the rain Smiley!" Wormy said. "Yes bark! Dogs don't like the rain!" Barker said. "Where do you come from?" Dolly said. "I come from Planet Pokemon!" Smiley said. "Cool" Quave said. Wormy's TDE beeped. "Middy and Masky are in trouble!" Wormy said. "Gotta get back to my planet!" Smiley said. And he went off in a UFO. Then he came back for some fun.

Chapter 19: Jokes

"Let's tell jokes!" Dollar suggested. Everyone agreed. "I'll go first". Dollar quickly stated. "What does one male plus one male equal?" Dollar asked. "Dunno." Shyby said. "A mail-man! Males are men!" Dollar said, laughing. Kurby walked into the room. "Hi! Can I tell a joke?" Kurby asked. "Sure!" Dolly replied. "There was a green house, a whitee, a red house, orange house, and a black house. Who lived in the white house?" There was a second when everyone was thinking, then Smiley said "The President?" "Correct!" Kurby said. Then Smiley went back to his planet.

Chapter 20: Buddies at Blobo's Lair

"Ok we should really get to Masky and Middy" Quave said. "He's right" Shyby said. So our friends went off. Soon they were at his lair.

Chapter 21: Trapped!

Masky and Middy and Bobin remained silent. "Masky, if we don't make it, I just wanted to tell you that, I love you" Middy said. "I love you too" Masky said and they hugged. Then the rest of our friends came. "Your here!" Middy said. But then they were all knocked into the cage. "Wedding's in an hour! Nobody's messing up my royalty! Why don't you marry a chicken Bobin!" Blobo said. When he left Middy said "Hey guys, meet Princess Tooto's internet boyfriend". "He was there for Tooto but Blobo trapped him" Masky said. Quave's TDE beeped. It read "Help me!". When our friends were talking, they heard a big bang. They saw bars bented out and Bobin was outside off them. "Nobody hurts my Princess Tooto!!!!" He said very angrilly. "Come on! Let's get you outta here!" Bobin said.

Chapter 22: A Ship of Rockets

Our friends are trying to get out of the cells. But Bobin can't find the keys. Then they saw a dart cut the bars. It was Nincy ! "We couln't let ya be lonely! Besides who's gonna do the concession stand!" Nincy said. "We need to make a rocket that fits all of us!" Kurby said. So they went to work!

They all worked together to make a rocket! Masky, Middy, Wormy, Barker, Kurby, Flowy, Quave, Shyby, Dollar, and Dolly. Bobin, Nincy, and Niddy didn't work on the rocket because they were thinking of a plan.

When they were done with the rocket and the plan, they beeped the princess and the king and then blasted off!

Chapter 23: The Wedding

As our friends were on their way to the wedding, the wedding was starting.

The priest was the matchmaker's husband. He was blabbing on on the wedding.

"Blobo, do you take this lovely women to be your wife?" he said "I do. Hehe!" Blobo said. "Princess Tooto, do you take this...uh...blob to be your lovely husband?" He said. Blobo gave her a mean look. "" Princess Tooto said quietly. "Does anyone have a reason that these to should not be married?" He said. "We do!" it wasn't our friends, but the masktchis/bats! As our friends but Bobin came in and sat down, the leader winked at Masky. "This blob is just a toddler, that means he's under arrest for under-age marrige. Besides, he's not Princess Tooto's internet boyfriend!" They grabbed Blobo and everybody gasped. They looked at the door and Bobin walked in. "I love Princess Tooto. I love her. Not the throne. I wish to make her happy. With my food stand, I'm ver mature in handalling it" Bobin confessed. "I love you too Bobin" Princess Tooto said happy. The king was happy himself. And so was everybody else. Except for Blobo of course. All of a sudden, wind of magic blew in and made everyone there nice clothes! Just like a wedding! "Bobin, do you take this lovely women to be your wife?" he said "I do!" Bobin said. "Princess Tooto, do you take this lovely man to be your husband?" he said. "I do!" she said. "I see that nobody except the evil one has a problem with this wedding, so I say you are now husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" He said and now Prince Bobin and Princess Tooto kissed. Of couse it's like normal lives again except that Prince Bobin lived at the kingdom.

The Last Chapter

At every wedding there is a dance. At first, Shyby, Dolly, Flowy, Middy, and Wormy were sitting together. Then Quave and Shyby went to dance. Then Dollar and Dolly. Then Kurby and Flowy. Then Masky and Middy. Last but not least, Barker and Wormy. The friends knew that they could never be separated because nobody dies on Tama-Planet so the king allowed the buddies to stay at his kingdom until they find houses to live in TamaTown. For the others, the King sat in his golden throne, Prince Bobin danced with Princess Tooto, Nincy danced with Niddy, and the Masktchi Police did the train dance with Blobo, and Blobo shouted the whole time.

So you see, when you have good friends, anything's possible! You can find adventure, magic, and sometimes love. And surprises come from every corner. Stuff happens when you least expect it.

----THE END----

The After Story

After this story ended, our friends were very successful! Kurby was a famous inventor, Masky starred in the show called Mystery Boy with Middy, Dollar and Dolly started a stuffed animal craze, Flowy was a famous clothes designer, Wormy was elected Mayor of TamaTown, Barker was a famous singer, Quave and Shyby were famous actors and couple of the year, Tooto and Bobin were predicted to be the best leaders on the planet, the Masktchis were the most trusted police dudes, Nincy and Niddy owned the TamaTower Theater, Blobo was behind bars in his lair which was taken over by the Masktchis and soon our friends who are now cute couples were all married and had mansions in TamaTown and all lived very, very, happy!

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