The Tamagotchi....


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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2004
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This one time, a tamagotchi gave birth to another tamagotchi. The mother called it 'Leo'. Leo grew into a nazotchi

Anyway, Leo was in the park on Tamagotchi Planet and a mimitchi came out from the bushes and scard leo. Leo.....

"Excuse me, what were u doing back there?" the the Mimitchi said " SHHHHH! Im playing hide and go seek!!!" Then leo said "OH IM SORRY!!!!" THen the mimitchi said " Hey, wanna hide with me???? ...........

"ok," said leo "But, who are you hiding from..?"

"Gema, that young mimitchi over their" said the mimitchi

"Is she related to you..?" said Leo

"Yes, she is my daughter, we play hide and seek all the time!"

"Really?!" Leo was abit upset becuase he like the mimitchi and wanted to be her girlfriend.

"Yeah, but her farther was sadly killed..."

"Ohh.. i see... " said leo

"Hey," said the mimitchi "do you want to have dinner with me?"

"Sure" said leo, excited

So, leo and the mimitchi went for dinner at....

Rinkels Resturant.

"So, you like stuff?" said Leo.

"Ahh... Yeah" said Mimitchi.

"Umm.. would you like to be my friend?" said Leo,

"I guess!" said Mimitchi.

As Mimitchi and Leo shared a plate of spaggetti,

Leo accedently sucked up the same noodle as Mimitchi,

as there mouths grew closer together,

They Kissed!

"Ohh!... I'm sorry" said Leo.

"Thats ok, it was kinnda nice!"



Ready or not here I come!" said Gema.


Ok... I give up! Mummy, where are you!

(sob sob).............

she started cruing "mummy mummy"i'm scared"

the reastrunt

well that was nice lets go back to my house?

"Go on then" said Leo so they toddled off to Crisp's (the Mimitchi) house. Gemma spotted them and ran up to them crying:

"Where on Tamagotchi Planet were you?"

"Erm..." said Crisp but Gemma saw Leo.

"Who's this? Is it your latest boyfriend? What are we going to do with him, fry him, scramble him, roast him, bake him...? Crisp loves eating her boyfriends you know" said Gemma.

"Gemma! How dare you reveal the secret!"

Leo was so frightened he ran off and called the police but when the police came to Crisp's house it was empty with a for sale sign.

"dang!" said Leo and Polly the Mametchi police in unison and they continued searching when...

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A Pikachu jumped out of the bushes!!!!

"Pi" It said.

Pikachu looked at Leo and it was love at first sight!!


"Hey sweetie, whats wrong?" Said Leo.

"Pi pika pi pikachu" Said Pikachu.

"You want children?" Said Leo.

"Pi" Said Pikachu (yes).

"O.K. Then". Said Leo.


"It's out, it's out!!!!!!!!" Said Leo.

"It's a....... Lugia?????" Said Leo.

"Pika Pi???" Said Pikachu.

"We shall call he/she Hokiuba". Said Leo.

Suddenly Godzilla jumped out of the................

...thin air that was hanging above them and stole the baby.

"Oy!!" screamed the couple

"What doyou mean oy!? That stupid yellow thing has done this to my baby"said Godzilla stamping on the baby.

"Pi-pika-chu-chu-pi-pika!!!!" said Pikachu (what are you talking about, I haven't)

"You have!!!!"spat Godzilla. "When you jumped out of that bush you crushed the egg that took me 40 years to lay and you just squashed it without giving a look back at it!!! I'mgonna eat you!!!"

Pikachu sent rays and rays but the angry rays of Godzilla had more effect so...

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