The Teen Tama's Camp Story


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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2005
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This story happened not to long ago. One day, Berry the Ichigotchi invited Chip the Young Mimitchi to camp with her. Berry also invited Onna the Oniontchi and James the Hinotamatchi. So now, it was dark and Onna told a spooky story. “….and they never saw the Dark Androtchi again,” he said. “Some say he lurks at night waiting to scary his next victim,” Chip exclaimed. Berry didn’t like the sound of this and had enough. “Let’s go to bed now,” She shivered. “Are you scared?” asked James, “no! Of cores not!” “Ok will go to bed, everyone in their tents,” Chip said. So later they were all asleep until Chip herd a sound……

"What was that,"Chip said trying to get somebody woken up...

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onna opened her eyes"stop trying to scare us, and go back to sleep!" she said "i wasnt trying to scare anyone!" chip protested, a bit too loudly, waking everyone in the tent up with a start."ahhhh!" everyone but chip and onna jumped "heeeeeelllllllppppp meeeeee... i voice said faintly from outside"heeeeellllp meeeee" it repeated "ahhh! what was that!" chip screamed "oh stop it chip, we know your just trying to scare us, nice recording you've made, though..." "BUT!--" onna interupted him"-- GO TO SLEEP" she said in a demonic voice then, in her normal, fairly high-pitch voice again "im tired, goodnight everyone!" chip knew it was no use protesting, they wouldnt believe him, so he just said goodnight with everyone else.

in the morning though, berry had gone. onna noticed first as she awoke, waking up chip with her high-pitched squeely scream "berrys gone" she sobbed. they went outside, berry was outside, relieving onna and chip alot, then they noticed she had a small tricle of blood from he left cheek, and she was slightly unconcious, but definatly breathing. she was lay down, as if someone had folded her in half and put her down, and a thorn was attatching a small piece of paper to the arm of her night clothes. it said...

((edited for typos))

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((wow oh my gosh look how much i wrote ^_^ :huh: :( :huh: :wacko: guess i got a bit carried away! :)

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