The Trouble Twins...And Bob


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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005
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Alright, let's start with the characters:

Brat A not very bright young babytchi who pretty much only likes to get into trouble and disobey commands.

Angel Despite her name, this young shirobabytchi is anything but an angel. Though she is smarter than her twin brother, she is just as troublesome.

Bob Brat and Angel's cousin from TamaTown. He is usually stuck babysitting the twins and is usually the one who has to get them out of trouble. B)

Marisa Brat and Angel's deceased mother. :D

Bart Brat and Angel's father who is out of town so much, they barely ever see him. B)


Bob twitched as he walked into the kitchen. There was food splattered all over the walls and floors, drinks mixed and poured everywhere, sinks running and spilling water onto the floor and the dinner table was knocked upside down.

He didn't even have to think to know that it was his two younger cousins, Angel and Brat, who had made this mess. Now he had to clean up while they were probably off somewhere else making an even bigger mess.

Although he loved his cousins, he couldn't stand when they made messes and left them for him to clean. He noticed a picture that had been knocked off the wall and was now floating in the mess on the floor.

Bob picked up the picture and looked at it. It was a family photo from before the twins' mother had left them and he had replaced her.

But he was a little angry at their father for being away so much and leaving him to be their babysitter. "Babysitter!" he scoffed, "More like mother."


Back in the room, the twins were devising a plan. The whole kitchen mess had been a setup to distract Bob while they pulled off: Operation Go To TamaTown When Bob Is Not Looking And Have Fun.

Okay, so it's a pretty lame name. They're babies for Pete's sake. Not very bright ones either to be certain. I guess a brighter babytchi might have been able to think up a better name. And a not so long one either!

Angel was coloring a picture when her brother Brat asked her what she was drawing. "It's mummy and daddy. They're happy." She quickly flipped to the other side of the picture. "This one is just daddy. He's sad now because mommy isn't there."

Brat rolled his eyes and just changed the subject quickly. "Lets go to TamaTown!" he shouted. "Why?" Angel asked with a confused look on her face. Brat rolled his eyes again and replied, "'Coz Bob says it's fun in TamaTown and he had a funner time when he lived there."

Angel was drawing a new picture. "TamaTown has big buildings and stores and stuff! Bob said there was a bus that takes you everywhere too!" she explained as she drew her picture of TamaTown.

"Stop drawing pictures and gimme that crayon!" Brat hissed, snatching Angel's crayon from her. He began scribbling a note. It read:

Wee R Going 2 Tamaton so u cant find us. Wee R TaKiNg da bus 2 get dere BraT and AngL

If Bob could read that, he could easily figure out where the twins were at and how to bring them back home. IF he could read it.

While they began packing and planning to escape through their window, Bob continued cleaning up what was left of the kitchen.

To be continued...


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