The Trouble Twins...And Bob


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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005
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New characters:

Robbie The bus driver that drives the kids to TamaTown. He apparently has a double side. He is sweet and kind to the kids until they don't pay him. Then he goes wacko on them. :p

Lady She thinks the twins are adorable and offers her seat to them on the bus and also defends them when the bus driver turns crazy on 'em. :(


Finally, after almost THREE hours of cleaning and re-organizing, Bob was done with the kitchen and was about to begin making lunch. Even thought lunch was three hours ago.

The twins had to be hungry by now, so he figured that they hadn't caused any mischief and he was free to cook and then relax for a couple hours. But, boy, was he ever wrong.

"Angel! Brat! Whaddaya want for lunch?" he called out, "I don't know why I'm feeding you after what you did!" Surprisingly, he didn't get his usual answer. In fact, he didn't get an answer at all.

Curiously, Bob began searching the house, looking for the twins. When he came into the room, all he found was the twins' stuff laying around. He closely examined Angel's picture of TamaTown and the note that was taped to the back.

"Bootiful TamaTon..." he read off of Angel's picture. His eyes widened as he silently read the note that Brat had written and he clenched his white fist. "Those little brats!" he muttered. "Wait'll I get a piece of 'em!"


Meanwhile, down at the bus stop, the twins stood there waiting for a bus to come. "I never beened on a bus before!" Angel squealed excitedly as the bus finally pulled up.

The two entered and sat down in the front. Just as he was about to sit, Brat paused and pulled up Angel. "Lets go to the back! Bob sayed that the back is the bumpiest!"

Immediately, the twins jumped up and rushed to the back seat and sweet talked a lady into moving so they could sit there. They heard a hiss and the bus began moving.

"WEE!" they shouted in unison. "Quiet down, children!" The bus driver sweetly called from the front. The twins looked at each other and just snickered.

"WEEEEE!" they shouted in even louder voices. "Children! Please keep it down! Oh, and please come and pay!" the driver half-snapped at them. Quickly, Brat and Angel exchanged glances at each other.

"P-pay?" Brat stuttered. "What is pay?" Angel asked with a confused expression on her face. The brakes screeched and the bus came to a halt.

The bus driver turned around and looked angry. "You mean you weren't plannin' on payin' me? Do you think bus rides are free? I don't do free!" he snapped. "Stop picking on those poor little kids!" the lady in front of them defended.

While the two continued arguing, the twins slipped out the side door of the bus and hopped onto the sidewalk. The bus spat out a cloud of gasoline and disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared.

"Now what?" Angel asked. Brat pointed to a sign that read "TamaTown >Right" and said, "Now...we walk."

To be continued...
