the two rainbow mimitchis!


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so when he exploded they had another baby and named it george3!!

So they had another Babytchi named Dail and he turned into a :D . Then he became a :D and then a :D . Dail went to Europe to stop the war and his mother and father went with him to try to convince Joe to stop. They might have succeeded but right at the very end...

One small egg bobbed up on the screen and out hatched a Babytchi named Akai and his owner took perfect care of him... Then he had two babytchis with a matchmade Oiajitchi and the tama universe began to grow once more. but there was one crushial difference...

One small egg bobbed up on the screen and out hatched a Babytchi named Akai and his owner took perfect care of him... Then he had two babytchis with a matchmade Oiajitchi and the tama universe began to grow once more. but there was one crushial difference...
he was DEBUGGED!!!:>:>:>

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