The ^ > V game!


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^ Shouldn't be given a sharp object xDD

< Is an Early Bird

V Stayed up all night once?

I wear glasses, if that counts...

^ has an avvie that doesn't make sense, unless pooh has the same birthday as the one he's talking to

> probably too observant for my own good

v watching tv?

Yep! :blink:

^ nig.

> splink. (also, just watched

// movie)v plogk.


^ number 115,015

> personally considers words like 'fjarrd' not to be spammy-at least you can pronounce 'fjarrd'

v disagrees? Thinks I should be in the loony bin, funny farm or nut house?

^ is totally wrong times infinity and then some!

> loves mud pies! (mmm, so chocolatey and vanallalike puddinglike gram cracker goodness)

V loves mud?

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