The ^ > V game


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^Lives in Canada, I'm guessing. And nope. xD

>Is drinking coffee atm, though!

vHas a link in their signature?

^ Nope.

< Is breathing loudly.

V lieks mudkips?

^ Probably not. I like it.

< Obviously loves Zooey Deschanel.

V Likes siggy?

^Yeah, it was pretty good.

<Is ill at the moment. Not seriously, but a little bit.

vIs also unwell?

^Aw get better soon

<Me? Fine thanks but my classmate was ill yesterday. I went too near to them I think, so I may have breathed in their microbes.

>Kitty cat is well too

V How are you?

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<is only found of soft peanut butter cookies...

v doesn't even like cookies.

^Obviously hasn't tried soft sugar cookies with icing

<Likes cookies but prefers BROWNIE PUDDING!

V Probably hasn't even heard of brownie pudding....

^Their life isn't complete without Kent Boyd

>Had to post just to prove MissBerry right. And is also listening to Taylor Swift! Long Live. Awesome song

vShould look up Kent Boyd

^ Is above me yet again, and shares the love of my favorite dessert.

< Stayed up too late and is falling asleep on computer desk.

V Makes much better use of saturday nights.

^ Is going to dentist

< Has a fear of dentist, and already went trick or treating


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