the very 1st v2


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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
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United States, Texas
once a v2 wih candy designs was made by bandai. it was beautiful so bandai decided it would be the first v2 to be sold. they gave to a store to sell. the store was...

Tescos was very proud.

a little girl called kelsea bought the tamagotchi.

her friends said it was a fake,

so she ran off and cried.

the only friend she had was her tama, mimi............

She spoke to Mimi

the same name as the Mimitchi in my beauty contest on my website -

all day, sharing all her questions with her.

Mimi was a Mimitchi and had'nt connected with many friends because everyone thought the tama was a fake.

So Mimi had no friends.

Kelsea was proud she had the first tamagotchi though her friends didn't take that advantage.

One day the matchmaker came for Mimi. Would she find her love?

Mrs Busybody offered her a...


Mimi was very proud of her young son, she took very good care of him, as she wanted him to take her place in the Tama throne, and rule the little egg shell for many years, and hopefully one day have an heir.

Mimi named her young son...

toby was a very nice and loveable little boy who loved his mother so much. his father, a mametchi, was a wonderful gentle dad. then one day a terribe thing happened...

:wub: the mean bully had taken the tama and thrown toby into the corner of the bedroom, thinking of ways to torture the innocent tama, laughing like a maniac, meanwhile at kelseas house...
peed his pants! (just kidding) actually, he reached out to grab toby but toby was able to escape his evil clutches. toby ran down the stairs and went through a dog door flap on the front door. toby said, finally! free at last! but as he was walking down the street to go to kelseas house, he came into trouble........

the bully suddenly dies of natural causes. Then Kelsea snatched Toby out of his fat stubby greasy fingers

said toby i evolved and evolved into a smart MIMICHI .toby was so smart he made up a plan to scared the DOGS he bult a ;) out of paper clips to defend toby

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