The Whatever I Feel Like Running Log.


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Aug 6, 2004
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Jan 10th 2007

You might have heard about James from my other log but he has moved to tamatown and now his son is ruling the Orange V4. He is a small but vibrent Mohitamatchi named Josh. Hes got a girlfriend named Abby who is a shy Petitchi. Of course every girl must have her group of friends so Deana and Guess are also in the picture. Deana is a caring Mizutamatchi. Guess is a bit younger than the rest being she is still a tiny infant under the watchful eye of her father.

Yea I was having fun creating a little story for my Tamagotchi character but now that the intros over heres my log. It might not be big and grand but I am content to type out their actions of the day.

A day ago James left Josh in my care and I stepped right to it. I also unpaused the Abby, on my other V4. After an hour I got the little Mohitamatchi but having to go to work I paused him. Later that night I had him out of pause with his time set forward to make up time and Abby received the same.

Today was the day I decided to shut down my Entama just because my Log about it just was all that much fun to type in anymore. I started up my two Transluent designs and kept the Tamagotchi that were there. Deana was created and raised by one of my nine-year old third cousins around ThanksGiving to keep them from wanting to reset my Entamas and Uratamas. The other I have no idea, I must have started him around Halloween because of his name of Hallo.

Well it was decided that we would take a trip today so we all hopped on a train and went. It took about an hour to get to the Aquaium. My tamagotchi gang was also there to follow the tour. Due to much amazment such as this, this, oh and just for good measure this I had to pause they would have been left uncared for. Right now they are still awake as I type and I am answering their beeps and mail for them. Josh has one happy heart empty so I'm playing mimic with him but he lost so I must start again to fill that heart sigh...

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Jan 12 2007

Today I'm updateing a little early due to having to be at work before 7 am. Everyone has changed except Guess. Josh is now a Young Kuchpatchi. Abby is a Ringotchi and Deana a Patopatatchi. I will update more when I have time later.



1 year

51 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

|||||| filled

17 Kindness points


1 year

42 lbs

4/4 hungry

3/4 happy

||||| filled

18 style points


0 year

62 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

||| filled

Jan 16 2007

I haven't been on lately and I had poor Josh and the others on pause so now I'm making up my time I missed. Josh and Abby are still teens. I stopped my V3s because I just don't have the time or the interest to run four at once. I find that the dance game of the V4 is quite difficult for my fingers to work with the buttons which make me lose. I really dislike the game and you can bet I will be giving that up after I get them to the job stage. Thats about it that I really have report so far now for the stats!



3 years


4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 Training Bars

43 Kindness points



87 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 Training Bars

38 Style Points

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Jan 17 2007

Josh and Abby changed into Kuchipatchi(Yay I wuv them!) and Meidotchi. Both are adorable little character designs so I'm pleased. Ahh! So happy today with myself its not funny. I did a body transplant on my old V1 that used to eat batteries but I loved the design on the shell. Getting out some nail glue, an extra Tamagotchi, and some screwdrivers I was able to make my day. I unscrewed the back covering to reveil the inside of the tamagotchi. I took a screw driver and popped up the sound thingy without breaking the wires. So now I have a V1 that doesn't eat batteries and is the design I like. I have also started my Newly transplanted V1 up. SHe is a little Baby at the moment sleeping for her five minute nap. Josh and Abby are in love due to the love potion I gave to Josh so in a few days I might have them breed. I also have noticed that Jumping Rope ups style points which helps because as I said before I can't stand Dance.



3 years

33 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 Training bars

52 kindness points


3 years

84 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 training bars

51 Style points


0 year

8 lbs

4/4 hungry

2/4 happy

1 Training bar

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Jan 18 2007

Josh and abby did quite alot today. For one neither of them are is shool anymore. Abby works at a hair salon. The work game is played by pressing how many arrows are on the screen. I've already have beaten it and Abby has lots of points. Josh is in the food service business. That game is played by matching up eatting untenils. Josh and Abby also bred today, which is odd because tamagotchi breed at age 5. Maybe it was because of their early evolvtion at age three. I also sound out today that I was wrong about Jumping Rope, it seems it gives points out randomly but more research is needed. Baby is now a Ichigotchi and seems to be doing fine still with no side effects of the transplant.



4 years

36 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 Bars

73 kindness points


4 years

70 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 Bars

96 style points


1 year

21 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

5 Bars

Orange with Circles Gen character chart:

Gen 1 Tosakatchi (so-so)

Gen 2 Kuchipatchi (adorable)

Sky Blue with Sunflowers character chart:

Gen 1 Meidotchi (adorable)

Jan 19 2007

Ok well techiclly Abby and Josh should be leaving tonight but I am under thought of refusing to let them. I'm just adoring them to much so.^__^; Yes I know I've finally have lost what little bit left of my mind I had! Nothing else really to report on other then the Happy tamagotchi Family getting sick.(Abby+ Josh and kids) I was busy today so I really could only check on them on my fifthteen and lunch so yea... I also had Baby paused until I could have the time to spend, which is now sadly. I still am torn between making them stay or letting them go. Guess you'll find out tomorrow. Abby has gone so above Josh in her work life. *<(^o^)>* (^_ ^)>P I adore Abby's character design, it really grows on you. Yes I'm acting like a doofus today but we must all have are days. Sorry for such an off-topic ---ish log (or off tropic like my description says --;


5 years

122 style points


5 years

82 kindness points


1 year

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

24 lbs

7 Bars

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Jan 20 2007

Well I did make Abby and Josh stay but in the morning I felt like I wanted to see what would happen with the new Generation so I set back the time and let them do their goodbyes as I watched. Then upon setting the time back two little female Shirotsubutchi. I then named them snow and Rain and began caring for them but I fed them to many snacks due to having company over. At the end they transformed into Mohitamatchi and Harutchi. I'm a little dissapointed to tell you the truth. I was wishing and hoping they would keep the different character for different gender feature from the Entama. I should have known they wouldn't have done this. I mean WTF(flipper) Bandai of Amerca?! Characters like Ponitchi and Meidotchi ARE femenine looking characters and won't look right as Male characters. Sorry for the little rant just a bit let down and annoyed. Anyway Rain got to visit her grandfathers homeland of PA, while the others were just there for the sights alone. I had to displine and praise them few times today with all the craziness around every corner.


0 year

26 lbs

3/4 hungry

3/4 happy

2 bars

4 style points


0 year

33 lbs

4/4 hungry

2/4 happy

2 bars

4 Intellgentence points


2 years

29 lbs

3/4 hungry

3/4 happy

10 bars

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Jan 24 2007

Ack! I've had the tamagotchi gang on pause for to long. I had plans on unpausing them but I left them in my locker at work. >_<; Not intentionaly of course. Anyway I have unpaused them and they have seen better care then this. Poor Rain, snow, and Baby. While typping this I just received some mail for Snow and Rain. Rain opened her letter to get a heart which filled all her empty hearts. Snow wasn't as lucky which drained all of her hearts. I just finished the Jump Rope game and have filled her hearts up again.

Jan 25 2007

Baby, Rain, and Snow all changed today. Rain is a Young Dorotchi being educated by an Esal with a Face. (finally figured out how to choose teachers) Snow is a Ringotchi and is being educated by the turtle with the tie. Baby just changed into a Masketchi not to long ago so yes all is just fine. I decided to start up one of my V2 because I just felt like it. Her name is LU but I have a feeling this Tamagotchi wasn't started by me but by one of my llittle cousins. So Lu is called Lucy, anyway she is a Nikatchi. Had to go.... sorry about that, Rain just got a timeout for being naughty. Had to go pick up my check from work so I froze my buns off waiting for the bus and then walking to Walmart. Then after that I had to walk over to ShopRite(a food store) to buy some food for the week. I noticed something werid about my Tamagotchi and the cold weather.

Thier pixels seem faded after coming out of the cold which is odd. Is the battery affected by cold temptures? Something to think about. * starts picturing little kids knitting their Tamagotchis sweaters.xD * Just cleaned up one pile of poop for three of my tamagotchi, they have a simular bathroom shedule even though they are different Verisons. Rain, Snow, and Lucy are all missing one hungry heart and one happy heart so I must take care of that before I type anymore. I'm back, Well I guess I reported all that I can remember of what happened today, Roll the stats!



52 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

7 Bars

28 intellengentce Points


1 year

48 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

7 Bars

38 Kindness Points


3 years

38 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 Bars


1 year

97 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

Just went up to 4 Bars

Jan 28 2007

Upate! Rain, Snow, and Lucy have all changed into their adult forms. Rain is a Mimitchi, Snow a Hanatchi, and lucy a Masketchi. Yes I'm a little late on updating but its the best I can do. I'm still waiting for Rain and Snow to graduate soon. Love Snow's idea of how to use pants. I used the pants item and then I got to see an animation of Snow bobbing up in down with the pants on her head. XD



2 Years (WTH?!!)

34 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 Bars filled

62 Intellengence Points


3 years

73 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 Bars filled

55 Kindness points


6 years

94 lbs

3/4 hungry

3/4 happy

10 Bars filled


3 years

99 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

6 Bars filled

Orange with Circles Generation Growth chart:

Gen 1: Male: James:Mizutamatchi, Gurumetchi, Tosakatchi, Job:Tv Sation

Gen 2: Male: Josh:Mohitamatchi, Young Kuchipatchi, Kuchipatchi, Job: Resteraunt

Gen 3: Female: Rain:Harutchi, Ringotchi, Mimitchi

Sky blue with Sunflowers Generation Growth chart:

Gen 1: Female: Abby:petitchi, Ringotchi, Meidotchi, Job: Hair Dresser

Gen 2: Female: Snow:Mohitamatchi,Young Dorotchi, Hanatchi

Green with Matrix Generation Growth chart:

Gen 1: Female: Baby:Marutchi, Ichigotchi, Maskitchi

Milky Blue with Polka Dots Generation Growth chart:

Gen 1: Female: Lucy: ?, Nikatchi, maskitchi

Feb 07, 2007

Not updating the way I should be :|

Rain and Snow moved on in my not updating and they left me their two children to care for and to breed them together. (Yuck! They are related! Cousins to be exact!) I've got a few other logs going right now so I kind of let things go to long and I'm sorry. Jack and Sally are now in their teens and have chosen their teachers. Sally is in intellentgence and Jack in Style. I promise to start updating a bit more then I have been lately.

Looks like I was all wrong about the same gender thing. I found out that only toddlers can be either gender from the upadated V4 Chart in the info section of TT. I'm glad that I was wrong and that Bandai of America didn't do what I thought they had done. Sorry Bandai of America for the rant! ^^; (Not that I really believe they would be here on the site watching this)



1 year

70 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

7 bars filled

17 Style Points


1 year

20 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

9 bars filled

29 Intellentgence Points

V4 Charts:

Orange with Circles Generation Growth chart:

Gen 1: Male: James:Mizutamatchi,Gurumetchi,Tosakatchi,Job:Tv Station

Gen 2: Male: Josh:Mohitamatchi,Young Kuchipatchi, Kuchipatchi,Job:Resterant

Gen 3: Female: Rain:Harutchi,Ringotchi,Mimitchi,Job: Bank

Gen 4: Female: Sally:petitchi,Young Memetchi,

Sky blue with Sunflowers Generation Growth chart:

Gen 1: Female: Abby:petitchi, Ringotchi, Meidotchi,Job:Hair Dresser

Gen 2: Female: Snow:Mohitamatchi,Young Dorotchi,Hanatchi,Job:Resterant

Gen 3: Male: Jack:Mohitamatchi,Young Kuchpatchi,

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Feb 14 2007

I've really had my hands full with all the Tamagotchi I'm caring for at the moment which is making me go insane. Hopefully I don't completely lose my mind and start anymore up people at my work think I'm touched as it is. I've had alot of problems with my Sky Blue with Sunflowers over the past few days but I hope that now after reseting and downloading I won't have anymore problems. Jack and Sally had to Baby Boys today of all days and I am thrilled. My Entama pair also mated after I used my own methods. So a day day or two from now I will suffer once more. Anyone who has cared for 4 babies at once will know what I'm talking about, complete insanity. I was also trying to get Test 1 and Mista to mate but I have a feeling thats going to happen tomorrow and not today. Test 1 is for my other log and well Mista I just started up because I felt like it. Whoa! Test 1 seems to be celebrating Valintines day! He was sitting down with a heart over his head when it then went into two little hearts. I only seen this on my V1 not sure if the other Verisons do to.



5 years

96 lbs

3/4 hungry

3/4 happy

10 bars

61 style points


5 years


2/4 hungry

3/4 happy

10 bars

133 intellentgence points


4 years

68 lbs

4/4 hungry

4/4 happy

10 bars

Test 1

6 years

99 lbs



0 bars

Feb 16 2007

Today the little terrors came to attack me with their need for food and play, unable to get away I jumped into my roll of caring for four beeping little imfant Tamagotchi at once. Thinking of sweets I named them Pie and Cake while my Entama pair more after the hope of Spring with Melting Ice and Spring Air. Pie just transformed into Harutchi but I'm still waiting on little Cake to change. I have to go to work in 15 minutes so I'll do more updates when I get home which will be late sadly... -__-
