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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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Well I've been reading TONS of logs lately and I'm sure I can make a log wich you want to read so watch out!!

Well here is my family!!

version: v5

name: zelie

gen.: 3

Family type: pure kupichi (I think thats how you spell it)

Family members- boy/girl- name

Tororotchi- girl- Icey (random I know)

Mattaritchi- boy- Billy

Mamapatchi- mum- Cindy

Papapatchi- Dad- Ben

Awesom don't you think! I love Tamas! Tonight I'm going swimming with my friends so I'll have to change the time. (if you didn't know just change the time to 9pm and thier safe!!) Bubbly bobly Tamas!! The twins are toddlers so i'm trying to do the bonding. Not having much luck to be honest. I HATE the bonding. Why couldn't you play a certain game instead of having to keep changing the time. :huh: :huh:

lilangelbaby1989 had this cool dea of changing the colours so I just want to tell lilangelbaby1989 that if she doesn't like me using it just PM me. And that goes for anyone.

well here are the colours.

Icey: blue


Cindy and Ben: Purple

Aunt artik (me): orange

I'll hand it over to Icey.

Hi I'm Icey. I can be asloud as I want because Aunt Artik is listening to music! HE HE!! :D

well I am the boss and I'm the boss of you SHRIMP!! B)

I thought we were the boss here!

Shesh!I need to work on your training! NOW BE QUIET!!

I'm perfect Auntie! I DON"T need training!! And NOT with BILLY BLOB!

Billy Blob?? HA HA!!


I mean that was very wrong!


I think you all need to go to bed early tonigh!! Nightie Nightie!


I'll post more tonight if I'm allowed.

Hey . I just found out that I made a LITTLE mistake. I said I had the Kupichi or whatever it is family because I thought I did but I went to a disscusion forum and I realised that I had the easy-going family. I'm soooo bumed. :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :D

You see the parents look the same. Sorry If I made you a little confused. Just wanted to get it out.

Now on to a happier state my htamas are TALKING TO the fridge. Well actually only Icey and Cindy are.

I want some icecream!!

no don't have

Please may I have salad? I'm on a diet you see.

In your dreams fat-o!

Boohoo! I want a salad without being called a fat-o!

MUM! stop it my friends might see you!!

Friend or BOYFRIEND!! Little mushball! you are sooo grown up!!

I'm not soo hungry anymore after all.

Hey why are you raiding the fridge!!



well thats enough for now. I'll post tomorrow.

Befor I go Its not actually 1 in the morning. Its actually 7 at night. I live in the UK you see. Bye

HERE I am. I woke up to fine Cindy and Icey singing. Good the sound was turned OFF!


But that was JUST beause I was sleeping


hey whats up?

welcome up sleepyhead. You missed breakfast. Well done.

I have to save up my energy for tonight.


Because today I have a sleepover!

when did this happen? Second thought BACK TO BED!


HA HA! I love setting the time! I don't know why? Get down Roger. hmmmm. I'm going on a dogwalk apperently. Post more later!


Cindy and Billy are watchig tv! (Mr giggles!) And there SLEEPING!

The tv is black. well soo is the fridge and the mic.

Hello ladies and gents. welcome to MR GIGGLES! WHOOOAAA!!

ZZZZzzzzzzz.....! ZZZZZzzzzzz......!

Knock? Knock?

(Mr Giggles side assistant) Whoooos thier????(giggle)


(Mr giggles side assistant) MeWho!

Cat got your tongue?

ZZZZZZzzzzzzz....! ZZZZZzzzzzz....!

Thaks for the support you all! I'll be back next week same time same place!

Now thats VERY rude! WAKE UP!!!! Or should I say... BED TIME! I'm taking a nice cozy NAP!

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Hey I'm back! I've been working on the twins bonding. Now it's up to 30%! (Me singing) And then guess what! I ALMOST LOST my Tama! I heard a beep from the living room! AND I COULDN"T FIND IT! Until I decided it was lost and I turned on the TV and there it was! Next to the remote! I'm sooooo silly! <_< :unsure: :angry: :angry: :angry: :(


I Rock! I Rock!

Icey you can't be everything all the time!


(sigh) You just can't!

But I can!

Just because your 2 minets older than me doesn't mean you're bettert!

I thought you're training was 30%!




HE HE! No don't worry! Whos up to a game of golf!


I'm expecting them to grow up today. Post more when it happens! Yeah that would work! And for your interest, Almost 25 views! I know it's not that good but most logs never last. And this is my first one! I'm sooo proud!! I think thas calls for chocolate! :rolleyes:

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MMMmmmmm.... It smells good. I love the house when my Dads cooking! He's the only person in our family that can cook anything other than pasta! He's actually quite a good cook to be honest. Now back to buisness. My Tamas still havn't grown up. Maybe they will tonight? I'll sneak and have a party with me and my Tamas!

My Tamas are still only kids! I can't wait untill there teens! Or maybe I can? Oh well. I couldn't find my v3 Tama for a while. Or a few years. Today when looking for my wallet I searched the sofa. And under the sofa. And there it was. It was out of batterys. My sister HID it there. It's probaly been there for YEARS! I'm going to clean it up and get new batterys for it. :rolleyes: I'll post when it hatches.

I already know the names for ut. If it's a girl- Jasmi

If its a boy- Jami

Don't know... why those names? I guess I'm just really random. Wait a sec. Just got to go check what smells so good in the kitchen. I'll let Billy do the talking for once.

Hi it's me!

Ohh is it YOU! Aunt Artik told me that you hit Dad witha golf ball in golf today!

(blush) It was not on purpose!

Hey hey! Whats up! WHY can't you just be friends! WHY?

Because thats too boring!


Hmmm. I don't know what I did wrong? Anyways chili smells sooo good when it cooks!

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Yay my Tamas GREW up!

Here they are! Icey grew into a Ichigotchi! I love the food Tamas. They make me feel so good and hungry! I love food! For your interest Cheese ROCKS!

Billy grew into a bomb! A Bakutchi if you must know. Bombs just suit him. NOW there officaly Teenagers! YAY!

By wednesday I'll be on gen4! YAY! YAY! YAY!

Hey... does this mEAN i DON'T NEED TO LISTEN TO YOU?

No. NO! NOOOO!!! (just for an effect)

Just joking!

WOW! I feel soooo tasty. One day when I become a Hotteatchi I will ROCK!

In your dreams!

Well I will work on the bonding. Next time I post I WILL have 100%! Or at least 50%. It's soooo hard to get motivated when they just lose it again! :) :angry:

YAY! My Tamas have 50% bonding!!!!!! YAY! YAY! YAY!

I'm soooo proud!!!

Now when I hit the C button they play tag!!!





You are halfway to 100% bonding can you not play a little game of Tag!!!

Sorrwe(cute eyes)


Well I'll post later :D

THE ZELIE FAMILY ROCKS!!! YAY! (happy dance!!)

I got the bonding up to 60%. Post more later!!

Hey it's Icey here! Later!

I'm back!!! I'm excpecting the Twins to groe up again. I don't know when to get them married? This is probaly the best family I've ever had.

As for my v3... It is an egg as we speak. Jasmi or Jami? Jami or Jasmi?

I'll move on.

I went hiking today sooo I left my v5 at home unpaused. I felt so bad that I had to play Golf with them about 50 times! NO KID! Now I'm golf sick.

Uhhhh! ROGER! get down!!! Seems like Roger wants to join me!

Hi! I'm Icey!

Bark! Bark!

Uhhh! Dog breath!


Icey!!! Thats very bad! (me hugging Roger)


Well what do you think of our soon to be friend?

Does he cry?

All v3 babys do!



Not what I was excpecting but OK.

Yay SHE hatched!!! Jasmi!!! I don't have a character chart for the v3 so I might not be able to name every Tama! But I will find a good one soon!

Weird memory: The first time I ever used a Tama (this v3) it was a girl and grew into the man oldie (whatever its called) when it was four! I didn't understand at the time but now I see that it must have been a glitch. Scary don't you think.

P.S- If you would like to tell me somthing PLEASE PM me! Does nobody apprieciate hard work these days???

P.S.S- I wont be able too post so much from this wednesday for a week because I'm going on holiday to Holland! (my parents are crazy, whatever happened to California?) So no Tan for me. :D well I will POST AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE ON MY DADS PHONE as much as possible! aND FOR WHOEVER HAS VIEWED MY POST thank-you! :lol: :lol: :D :D

Just befor I go Jasmi was sick! I feel so bad even though I know its a default setting :D :lol: :lol: :D

She also neede the potty but I managed to get her on her little rubber duck toilet! (aww soo CUTE!

Jasmi will be green from now on.


Pottys over here Jasmi!

hanc-yoo Mummy :D :eek: :eek: :eek:


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Right as we speak Cindy and Ben are eating bannanas! I think they luv bannanas!

No news on any one growing up except for Jasmi growing into a toddler. I have one training point for her! I havn't had much time because Monday is my bussiest day! First school. Then Tennis (I don't drop by home). Then immediately swimming. And then a 7:30 I come home and eat dinner and finish my homework.

I think the twins are going to grow up tonight. I HOPE so anyways. If I can I will post. Later

p.s. Jasmi want's to say some words now that shee can talk!

Hi I'm Jasmi! Here are some facts about me!

I hate doing nothing :ph34r:

I am a loner :)

I was adopted :ph34r:

Andd I am a little toddler :ph34r:

Ummm... thanks but what else about you?

Ohhh yeah! I almost forgot!! CHEESE rocks!!!

Man your random! anyways... anybody else want to talk?

Yeah I do... :ph34r: ! wish me luck growing up tonight!~~~~~~~ :ph34r:

Wow that was nice! Well more tomorrow! I'll be on lots!

Hey Jasmi just grew into a Obotchi!!!! YAY!!! I know its a she and it looks like a he but I cant believe itas already a Teen and I started it yesterday!!! Well HAPPY ST.PATRICKS DAY!!!!! GREEN!!!



Icey grew into a ONPUTCHI

Billy grew into a MUMUTCHI

I'm so excited about getting a pure family!!!! I need 100% bonding though. I have 70% now :D :rolleyes:

I'm have to go off now so I'll post more tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I left my Tamas at home today on acsident. (Don't worry they were fine) but I want to tell a few tips about how not to forget your Tama if your like me and forgets and loses everything!!!

Tips on how not to forget your Tama

1. On your phone, watch or persenol planner make an alarm go off four or five times a day so you don't watch a movie and when it's over your Tamas dead :huh: I wouldn't the tip at at school though!!!

2. Buy a leash for it and loop it around your head like a necklace. Just don't take it off when your outside running because its in the way.

3. My friend used this tip, I never used it because it was to much work but you might like it: around your house make about three or four homes for your Tama and make a alarm when you check on it!!! And you always know where it is.

4. Your not like me and don't really need any of these tips. (be honest)

Ways to hide your Tama at school

1. Go to wal-mart and buy the most boring book in the world. A.K.A a thourogh discription of the way grass grows. Or somthing like that beople wont want to read. Skip about 30 pages and get a sharp knife to hallow out the middle. Make sure to leave plenty pages on both sides so if anyone does open it they don't see your Tama. Place your Tama in the middle with tissue paper all around so your Tama doesn't move. I fit the book perfectly for the Tama. And presto!!! Your Tama is safe and sound!!!! Just make sure to turn of the sound!!! I forgot once and it was a nightmare!!! I was in 4th grade when it happened. I wish I was still in 4th grade smuggling Tamas into school!!!

2. Buy a lanyard and hoop it around your neck.

3. (This will only work on VERY gullible teachers) Once I was really tired and just left my Tama with the sound on hooped to my trousers. My teacher asked what it was and I quickly changed the Tama to the time and date screen and told her that it was my new improved watch!!! AND SHE BELIEVED ME!!! I was so amazed that I didn't get into trouble that I just stood there my mouth open!!!! (Not recommedned)

How to hide your Tama from little sisters and brothers (If they dont go to school and you leave your Tama at home!!!

1. In your pants/underwear drawers

2. In your trainers (Just slip into your pocket when you go outside)

3. Somewhere high were they cant reach or are allowed ie- your computer, stove top, arts and crafts box, printer

4. Under your pillow. Just make sure your Tama doesn't slide back under your bed

I'm going to work on my Tamas bonding a little later so I can get a pure family!!!! Wish me luck!! Its on 70% now!!! :angry: :huh: :huh:

p.s YAY!!! I'm on my second page!!!!

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I saw Icey and Billy watching the Easter bunny!!!! Though I doubt that they will admit it now that there adults!!! Tonight they will get married!!! YAY ME!!! I'm going to chose Billy because I want a pure family!!!

Hi... I'm really sad because today is my last day with my family before I leave forever. :lol:

Ohhh! Come on!!! You might as well enjoy your last moments!

Yeah come on!!! You should be proud of Billy!

Why thanks Jasmi!!! And Aut Artik? I already told you I don't want to marry a memetchi because there all girly and selfish!!! Watatchis are at least cute and non universal!!!

Its not to late to change my mind Billy! Icey may well be the one to get married tonight

Never mind...

Billy you should be ashamed of your self! You know thats not how it works! You have alot to be thank-ful for!!! And you DON'T get to chose who to marry!

Well enough for now. I'll post mor later!! I now have 100% bonding!!!

Sadly I didnt get a pure family :lol:

Instead I got the Cheerful family. I don't actually understand how I didn't get a pure family because I had 100% bonding and the right characters!!! Well actually I'm pretty chuffed with myself. This will be the last post for about a week because I'm going to France and holland in about an hour. Well I'm leaving. Roger is so sad!!! :) :( :(

Well here are the new colours. P.S 2 kids girl- Alexia Boy- James Mom- Kaitlyn :ph34r: :( :( :hitodetchi:



Billy and Kaitlyn

Aunt Artik (me!!)


Pretty awesome!!!! I dont think I will be able to post at ALL! I really want to and I'll post you up on anything that happens!!! :D :D :D :D

YAY! I managed to get a few moments on the PC so I will update you. Mosstly my Tamas hve been asleep so they havn't done much. I don't have my Tamas with me so It will be a bit guessy.

Jasmi grew into a Kutchipatchi and I got her married when she was 7. I'm pretty chuffed to be honest. Jasmi got married yesterday and had a baby boy! I am going to name him Jami because that name ROKS! On my v3 with Jami I'm not going to get him married but just see how I old I can make him. He will be the WISE one!!

The twins (Alexia and James) only have 10% bonding and they will get married tomorrow so I'm just going to leave it for now. They are a watatchi and somthing else. James looks like a cross between a hot dog and a ghost. I havn't been taking very good care of them but I'll blame myself for that later! They pretty much sleep I might sound mean but I dont have ANY time at all to careb for them and I have to leave them at the Hotel. But on Saturday I will be back to my normal schedule!!

I've got to go now so on saturday I will post a lot!!!

Sorry I hanvnt posted for a while.

I had Alexia married and now I have Triplets!! There grown up now. I think this may become confusing so I'm just going to make it clear! Oh yeah and there are 2 boys and one girl! Pate, Lucy, Josh! The dad is named Tim.

my Tamas:

Pate is a Uhyotchi

Lucy is a watachi

Josh is a Hatugatchi

Tim ia a Papamametchi and Alexia is a Mememamatchi!

Aunt Artik (ME!!)

Jami is a pinnaple dude!! (v3)

As you can probaly tell both Lucy and Josh can turn into special characters!! I'll let my Tamas talk for a little now.

Lucy Hi! I'm Lucy!

Pate I'm not going to become a secret character...I'm so unlucky.

Josh Dont feel bad!

Lucy Yeah! I'm sure pinnaple dude I mean Jami will feel like you!

Jami SUP? Hey. Ya! Ya! Dude! Look up! Ya!

Pate Actually....

Parents Its OK. We never became a secret characters.

Aunt Artik I'll let you talk more later after I'v looked up the codes! Wish me luck!

Jami Good luck Dude!


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