Things that mean the world.


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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.
Okay, so what objects do you have that absolutely mean the world to you? Why are they special? Who gave them to you?

I've got the photo of my Dad and I, just before he died. It's the last photo of us taken together. He got it framed for me. It sits in my room on my bookcase, next to my French Dolly.

The photo album Pappa gave me when I was 12. It's got photos of like, family background. Him, his parents, etc. Then Mum and Dad. It's like a family tree kind of thing for a few pages lol. It's got me and Kyle on it too. It's amazing.

My French Dolly from Nanna and Poppa. I got that just before my fifth birthday. I named her Chanel cuz it was a pretty name lol.

Dancing Teddy, I got from Mum when I was born. She's got a purple dress that my mum made specially for the teddy. She's so beautiful and I love her so much.

And my guitar [Which I can't yet really play lol], given to me by -Takes deep breath- Mum, Kyle, Molly, Luke, Katie, Rachel, Daniel & Lucie. It's black but it's got silver writing on the back. YAY.

Understand, where there is a will, there is a way. Do what you do. - Shaant.


Now, you :)

My silver heart necklace from Israel with my Parsha engraved in it. Mine is a one of a kind.

All the stuff that was my grandma's. Even the earrings that are missing the second part of the pair.

My doodle book. It's a photo album given to me by my friend on my 9th birthday and I put everything in it but photos. I put: Doodles (Obviously) notes, clothes tags (Mostly, I have a collection in there) and stickers on every other page.

Photo of me when I was 5. I was in a hot magenta coat, furry black hat, dark shades, pajama pants, and a stuffed duck. I have that 'I'm cool' look on my face. Favorite. Picture. EVER.

More but I gotta go pack my room for summer. (;

Um, people wise... Andres and Jose. Couldn't live without them.

Item wise...

I dunno. I'm not particularly attached.

Maybe my phone.

A stone from Pudgy's grave. Pudgy was my pet pug, and I had her since I was born. She died of strained breathing while I was at my grandma's house when I was 7. The sad thing is, I wasn't able to be there for her. I'm about to cry just thinking about it. The stone is about 5 in. tall and 6 in. wide. I keep it in a box under my bed.

Teddy. I got him with I was born. Also blankey.

My parents, of course.

Kacie. My bff since the beginning of time.

EDIT: Charlie was removed. We sort of broke up...

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People, objects, songs.

People: My amazing best friend Ksenia. My loving boyfriend Mikey. The amazing Esther, Feebee, Michelle, Weiwei, Starry, and everyone else. Andy Clemmensen. Bradie Webb. Shaun Diviney. Jumpnow, maybe too? Ehh. xD

Objects: My teddy who happens to be older than me, Mikeybear. My iPod. My iPhone. Any computer.

Songs: Short Stack songs.

I've grown so attatched to so many things and people, it's not funny.

First off, there's my family. My family mean the world to me. Every single relative, living or dead, they all have that special place in my heart and I would definatey take a bullet for any one of them. My brother and mum especially, I'm sososo close to them.

Then there's friends. Friends mean anyone I love who's not blood related to me. That means all my school friends, as well as all my TT friends. Best school friend would have to be Jen, though I don't like to pick favourites. And I can't pick a best TT friend, all you guys mean the world to me. <3

Next of course, there's material things. One of the greatest things in life which I love is the sock ball that I made, Sooslik. If anyone saw it, they'd think it's not made entirely out of socks, when really it is. I love Sooslik almost as much as my family and friends.

Then we have my giant yellow eraser which I bought at book week last year. I don't know why i love it so much, seriously. Everyone's used it, and it's been with me through good times and bad, hahaha. Love it.

And I also love my cat SO much. He definately means the world to me. He's more like a baby brother than a cat. He's also like a best friend. I can tell him anything, and know he won't tell [ xD ].

My friends, I suppose. And some people in my family. :)

My Rubik cube, that's so messed up and torn [the labels on it], which I still love <3

Then it'd be my little toy dolphin from Sea world. It's beautiful, and I loved it since I first saw it. Love at first sight much?


That's most of it, I reckon.

Baby Photos.

A porcelain doll that I got when I was little. I actually lost it, it's probably somewhere in storage.. but I just realized it means a lot. o:

Well, my family, obviously. My friends. My gerbils. For material things, anything my dad had or gave to me. And pictures of him. Oh, and my friend is an awesome drawer, so she always gives me paintings she made and stuff. :3 I also have a notebook of all the drawings we do together when she comes over to my house. I like looking at them. 8D

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