Things you do without noticing?


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I chew my tounge and if I'm not doing that I'll be biting skin off my fingers I also talk to myself and start laughing uncontrolby

Ha, topic dedicated to me lol.

I chew things without noticing. I have conversations with people without noticing. I sometimes write random words in a text without noticing:

I know, that was frog. >> I know, that was good.

I sing without noticing. Go into another room and come back and ask someone if I just went into another room. I reply to topics without noticing.

I don't notice alot tbh 8D

I sometimes just start singing.

I can also zone out. Ususally when I play I game I just keep clicking or playing, then I realize "Whoa. This isn't a dream."

I have trouble concentrating. Sometimes when a person is talking to me, I start staring off into space and my mind goes on other things until the person has stopped talking and starts to wonder if I'm a loony. Or when someone talks, I start to think about really funny things and before you know it, I'm laughing my head off. I really need to change that habit.

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Whenever I choose to pick up a pen and scribble something down or when I write anything at all I have a tendency to stick my tongue out just a wee little bit. Often, it happens whenever I'm writing a test because it helps me concentrate. I do notice it sometimes though. Just not when I have to write a test.

Also, I stare at the ceiling (or roof if its in a car) a lot. Now that I never seem to notice. Mostly I do it when I'm bored or when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep again and sometimes I even do it inside the car! :p I only begin to notice what I'm doing when people begin to stare.

I always pluck at my eyelids without thinking, and people always question me. it's bad habit.

And I always randomly play air piano and don't notice it.


It's a terrible, terrible habit. I've done it several times on webcam, in photos, and just randomly when I'm not doing anything at all. And I always get questioned about it too. I should really stop with that habit. ):

- Move my jaw for no apparent reason.

Sometimes like, my jaw gets stuck in one position and I always tend to move it to check that it's not stuck, cause when it is, I spaz out and go mental from the uncomfort. People randomly start laughing at me because of it. D: It's not funny in my view.

- Lift my eyelids up to my eyebrows.

I'm not sure why I do that. I just put my fingers on my eyelids, and lift them up a bit towards my brows/forehead. I don't notice it either. It's annoying to me, and to everyone that witnesses it.

I bet there's more..

I try to reach for somthing and its like a few centemitres.

I do all what Ksenia said too!!

Usually I just go to another place. I'll be watching tv, everything goes silent and I sit there for about 10minutes then I hear the tv and I'm like WHAT HAPPENED? I don't listen to anybody. I drift off into my own world and I usually get teachers shouting at me over over again KEELEY PAY ATTENTION!! I'm usually thinking I thought I was?

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