Things You Like that everyone else hates


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I too enjoy working. It makes me feel important as long as I don't mess anything up! 8D I like my job. x3

Sewing. Lol.


Ew that makes me sound like some old timey person. :'D

^ I love sewing and cooking too!

Although sewing is something I'm not a natural at D:

-Music. The type of music I like.

-MATHS! I cannot stress enough how much I enjoy it.

-Spiderman. The people around me tend to despise that amazing superhero.


-Yo Gabba Gabba FTW 8D


-Muse D: .Oh, My friend likes them too, but still xD .And my family. <_>

-The quote 'THIS IS SPARTA'

-Eating hot chocolate on it's own -no milk- 8D

LOLICON!! (not the etremely graphic kind..) You gotta love those cute girls and their frilly little dresses XD

Off topic: Keel-sel it seems like I haven't seen you on so long!!!

I has been in hiding /forever in a mood where I can't be bothered doing anything but lying on a bed with my iPod and a book

The smell of paint. :)

1. Reading

2. Lost tapes(people who watch it think it's to scary warning:it is)

3.foopets(there so cute why would anybody hate it?)

4.Lego Indiana jones 2

5.lord of the rings(I know most people like it but not in my naborhood)

6.Haldir(he's so awsome(dies) but some people don't like him cause of that reason)

Yoga. It's so awesome. I did it when I was 9 and now I'm starting again. I do admit, it can be a bit painful, but afterwards you feel so awesome and flexible.

Eating salt. Just salt. Sometimes when I'm doing homework I randomly pick up the nearest salt shaker and start pouring bit by bit in my mouth

Lemme see... hrm. Too many!! xD

Acting childish and random



Bewks! (Books)



I think I'm turning neko xD

Off topic: Keel-sel it seems like I haven't seen you on so long!!!
I like twilight too. yayz

-Yo Gabba Gabba FTW 8D


-Muse D: .Oh, My friend likes them too, but still xD .And my family. <_>

-The quote 'THIS IS SPARTA'

-Eating hot chocolate on it's own -no milk- 8D
Twilight.Miley Cyrus, and Hannah Montana.




Twilight.Miley Cyrus' Music.




YAY for all the people who like Twilight AND YO GABBA GABBA! Yo gabba gabba is the business. :3

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