Things you think are overused in books


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Ok, I think a lot of authors are starting to milk the money cows for all their worth, but they can't think of any new ideas to make money. So they take some stuff that's popular, make characters and plot lines and a snazzy front cover, and you've got a book.

Here's a list of book types I think are getting overused, and why I think that:

Vampire romances

Don't get me wrong, I like a good vampire book. But I want the proper, evil, blood-sucking vampires who aren't "HAWT" back. Vampire romances are ok, a murderer is bound to want company and love, right? But it's been overdone, and it was trashed.

I'm writing a book about true non-romantic vampires but I don't wanna start

Child abuse

It's almost become a category of it's own. I think after whatshisname who wrote "A child called it" wrote about his abusive past, all the people who had been abused as children started getting the courage to write about what happened to them. That's a good thing, but again it's been overdone. Espeically in Tesco they're right next to the kids books so a seven year old might pick up a book with a picture of a cute kid on front, then they're reading about err....That's something for SNTT

Biographies/autobiographies of celebraties

No one wants to hear about how you got that world cup or how much you starved yourself as a teenager. We've got enough of that stuff on Hello! magazine, we don't need books as well.

Those weird fact books

Examples are: "Why do men have nipples?" or "How much poo does an elephant do?" I actually find these books very funny with their pointless (and sometimes rude) facts. But once again, it's overdone.

Rant over lol.

So what do you think?

Other than the weird fact books, I agree with you. But I dont think the fact books are overdone.

I think that vampire romance books would be fine if it wsn't for....*coughsTwilightcoughs* Oh how I hate that book series. But back on subject, all the others are over done

I think that vampire romance books would be fine if it wsn't for....*coughsTwilightcoughs* Oh how I hate that book series. But back on subject, all the others are over done
completely agree

another few overdone things are

Vampire vs Werewolf

Drugs and Alchohol

Rich, popuplar brats getting stuck in some stupid situation...

Vampire romances
Don't get me wrong, I like a good vampire book. But I want the proper, evil, blood-sucking vampires who aren't "HAWT" back. Vampire romances are ok, a murderer is bound to want company and love, right? But it's been overdone, and it was trashed.
I agree. Whatever happened to the days of Dracula and Anne Rice?

The thing I thing is most overused in books is the plot where the main character is this mousy 13 year old with light brown hair, blue eyes, and freckles, that is not popular. Then, there's the "bad girl," who is blonde, rich, gorgeous, and popular. The main character is embarrassed or something, and the rich girl laughs at her, then, somehow, in the end, the girl ends up with some guy who is obviously retarded or something, and the blonde ends up crying.

Seriously. It is not nice to discriminate against blondes. You need to get over the fact that WE'RE BETTER THAN YOU ALL xDDD I'm joking. But really, not all bad people are blonde.

Unpopular girl who only has like, 2 friends and thinks nobody likes her, then at the end some really hot guy falls in love with her and they live happily ever after.

~Blonde stereotypes

Not all blondes are snobby/popular/snobby etc. &gt;.&gt;

~The name 'Sakura'

I just personally think the name is used way too much.

I see the "Ugly Duckling syndrome" a lot.

Meh, It just gets a but repetative. But I'm an advid reader. I'll read anything.

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I can think of a bunch of overused little peices in movies and in some books.

1. Someone pulls a stupid stunt and is shone in a light of bravery and brains, instead of stupidity and lack of thought.

((See Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse))

2. Two of the main characters fall in love at the end of the book/movie/series

((I know it's clasic, but it happens too much for my interest.))

3. Crews of two always have one person ((Usually a guy)) that's extremely chicken, and a girl who everyone thinks is heroic and brave.

((You may disagree, but I notice that a lot.))

Lemme think of a few more.. I really should start to write these down..


Real-lifelike stories. I know I read a book about a teen girls life but that girl has powers. Anything too "normal" for me is boring.

Twilight. I hate it. Even my cousin fell for it. One minute she was like "NBC FTW!" next minute she was "OMG EDAWRDCULLEN FTW!!!!"

I hate it. 50% of teen girls like edward cullen. :ph34r: ` last year it was The Jonas Brothers.

○Blonde gorgeous cheerleaders are always the evil ones. Gosh, if they were that evil, nobody would like them in the first place.

○Quiet, shy, sweet girls always get the immensely popular good-looking guys.

○In American books, the British are overdone. We're not that posh. XD

○In American books, the British are overdone. We're not that posh. XD
Yeah and the Scottish are completely stereotyped to wear kilts with nothing under and speak in a Glaswegian/Aberdeenian accent. God's sake, I lived in Glasgow for most of my life (I moved some where else though) and I don't speak like that, maybe that's because my mum's English. It doesn't happen in most books, but I've read a couple like that. Oh yeah, and Scottish step-dads always slap their English/American kids.

Oh yes, and "Story of the movie" books. I mean shesh, all you have to do is see the movie. Less strain on your eyes.

I think the whole 'OMG isn't he gorgeous?' stuff that books about teen girls have in them is overused to the point where I want to scream. Since the Louise Rennison series, there seems to be a lot more books about teen girls liking boys etc. It makes boys think that girls will swoon uncontrollably if they like them etc. I have never seen ANY girls behaving like that.


I think that the over privileged teenage snob in New York/L.A./Beverly Hills thing has been overdone a bit. Especially in the wake of Gossip Girl. Most of those series have no story line and seem never ending. For example: The Clique and The A-List. A couple of these here and there are okay, but 15-20 different series focused on pretty much the same thing? That's a little too much.

Twilight may be annoying these days but at least it has a slightly solid plot.

○In American books, the British are overdone. We're not that posh. XD
Here here! I'm English, though I live in Canada now, you have no idea how many times a day I have to tell people.

I do not know the Queen

I'm not from London

I do not know (insert British celebrity here)

I am not rich.

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One that I've seen a lot mostly in like manga that gets on my nerves, (if that counts) is the unpopular lonely girl who ends up having a superpower and ends up going on a magical adventure (other than Inuyasha, that annoys me)

Romance series

Hate em' hate em' hate em'!!! Basic storyline, girl sees guy, girl likes guy, girl and guy end up happy together. Big whoop, I've seen it all before! The writers have to imagine up details like, was the girl good at anything, what kind of guy was it, that kind of stuff. But even WITH the details it annoys me. In those kind of stories, mean popular girls come along. Another thing that annoys me. Only like 3% of the girls in America and Canada are like that!

Magical Girls

This one is usually just about a girl that is all alone and then suddenly she gets these powers that just appear spontaneously out of no where. But oh no! The girl has the keep her powers a secret and runs into all sorts of mayhem. They're just basically all the same to me. It's most common in like, all of the manga I read. (I like only a few, such a Ranma 1/2, Card Captor Sakura, Fruits Basket, and Tokyo Mew Mew.)

I might add some more if I have time...
