Thinking of joining deviantART..


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
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Right around the corner
Well, I love photography, but when I ask my friends "How can I make this look better?" they're like "Oh it's perfect". It bugs me, so I was thinking to join DA to get professional critisizm.

Thing is I don't want friends finding out, well I don't know. Hard to explain. I also have to get my friend's permission to use pictures of her, since 80% are like scenery with her in it.

Anyways, should I just join for the heck of it? What features come with joining? What's the best part of DA? And do people ever save the things you put on? I have a 'phobia' of it, lol

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dA has only a legal starting age of 18, you know. Yes, there is an actual reason for that.

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*We don't need stupidity on this site- be nice and appropriate or leave. -TW/P*

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u no that why u put fake age right?ur retarded i should go slap u in the face.


disgusting u take pictures of your friends doing that kind of stuff?
Please stop having your own conversations.

No, some do lie, but I'm just the kind of person who has already lost their innocence and would perfer to not be subjected to certain things, so I follow the age limits. :huh:

let met guess,porn?

no really i mean this not making fun of,just guessing.

Um, you only have to be 13+ not 18+

I had dA, got banned though. Not making another for awhile.

I'm still joined. I'm over thirteen. You only need to be eighteen if you want to view the adult ban things.

Its worth it if you know people, but I know that they like to ignore you. there are people who will give you professional crit, if they find you, though.

Actually, the minimum age is 13+, not 18+. The 18+ is for those who wish to view mature content. =]

Don't worry, usually it's pretty safe on there. I have an account, I've made some new friends, and I usually get honest critiques on my work. (Just watch out for people who say " THTS LYK, SO KAWAIIII!!!!111ONE!" They just go on there to speak "japanese")... :angry:

But yeah, if you want your work critiqued, it's worth it to go on there.

=] Good luck!

You have to be over 13 to join

18 is for mature content

Edit: lol someone already posted that.



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It sounds pretty good but I got banned from it on my computer, I have no idea why because I hadn't even joined on my computer, when I tried to join it said, "Sorry you're computer has been banned from this site" or something like that. Maybe my sister tried to join and put her real age though.

P.S. I'm under 13

Eh, I don't really know anyone who uses it cause all my friends have NO artistic talent. xD

Then again if I do show my friends my dA acount I don't want TTers posting "HI IM UR BUDDIE FROM TT!" cause none of my friends knows I'm on TT, and they'll destroy the place if they found TT. That'll be easy to handle though, ;] I have my ways.

I think I will join dA, sounds pretty awesome by the way everyone's making it sound.

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You actually don't need to be 18 to see mature content, just the pieces that have been marked as so. (There's a mature content "warning" as well.)

I don't see why it's such a huge problem. If you don't talk to your friends about it, it shouldn't be a problem, right? I don't understand exactly why you don't want them to find you have it either. I have people IRL who I'd much like to keep away from mine, but I'd like them to keep away from anything that has to do with me. If I had a myspace/facebook, I wouldn't want them to see that either.

dA is fine, and you know what? If you don't like it, who cares, it's free. You're not going to say "aww, shucks, that was a waste of my money" because you don't have to pay any money. Just try it out, nobody's forcing you to stay.

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