This gal


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
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Theres this girl on MSN and she gave me her Address and she said we can swap tamas but i dont no mif i should trust her do you think i should??

If you mean swop as in send her your tama through the post - I wouldn't she could be anyone (even a he). If she did send you one it could be fake or she could just not send you one at all.

Send her a fake one!! *he he* She will get all fuzzy inside and ♥ you!!

Good plan huh

She is semnding me it 1st ...
You gave her your home address?!?!?

How do you know it's a girl, and not some old guy trying to stalk you?

My advice: if you need to give out an address so someone can mail something to you, have them send it to your mom or dad at their work address.

You gave her your home address?!?!?
How do you know it's a girl, and not some old guy trying to stalk you?

My advice: if you need to give out an address so someone can mail something to you, have them send it to your mom or dad at their work address.
That's a good idea Binary.

No she gave me hers and i ajm going to send her a letter with my Address on it

Do you even know who you're talking to?!?!?!? It would be very foolish to give someone you don't know your address over the internet! My advice: Delete her emails and get it on with your life!

Heck you know who can you be talking to on tamatalk.. how old.. what gender? But I'm telling the truth I am a Pre-teen, Male.

That is so dangerous, you can get hurt, or killed, or etc...!!!

The whole old man stalking you i think is enough x). Some people can be weird over the internet..


Do NOT give out the adress!

Like Binary said, maybe give your parents work or PO box.

And like Locky said, you don't even know who you are talking to on tamatalk!

Much less someone on MSN!

I would say talk to your parents before doing anything.

I'll be watching the news looking for you, since you gave your address to a stranger and all..

Wrong decision my friend, wrong decision..

if they had the time you could get your parents to go to the address and have them knock on the door. then your parents would say somthing like hi i got a package but im not sure it's for you whats your name? then they will say the name from the internet and say ok here is the tamagotchi could you give me yours?



Like your really going to listen to us....

If you choose to give out your address then fine we can't stop you but if you want to get kidnapped, beat up, or even killed then don't give it out!

(I am not saying that, that will really happen but still)

It would be a STUPID thing to do....

Hun, listen- you don't know who you could be talking to. :ph34r:

It could be a 5 year old who dosen't know what they're doing.

It could be a 12 year old who wants to swap tamas.

It could be a 16 year old who wants to hurt you, and give your address to everyone he knows.

It could be an old person who isn't mentally right.

It could be any of the above. It may just be a kid who wants a different tamagotchi, but on the other hand, it could be a crazy person who wants to use your address for evil. Do whatever you want, but I really want you to be safe- I really wouldn't recommend telling it. :ph34r: Have a little talk to your parents, and tell her to talk to hers. Look, this could be a decision that you will regret for the rest of your life, so please don't put yourself in any danger- stay private, stay safe. :D

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