This Girl........


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
there's this girl in my class. she is my friend. we'll call her H. H isnt my best friend but one of my friends. my friends are also, A,and K. Well, today in class she made me help her cheat on a reading test. i didnt like it because i had to lie, and i felt bad. I told K and she said H does that to her in Science. A also said that H copied her in a reading test. Now, H is getting really good grades because of our answers! I dont know what to do! I want to tell, but i don't. I know if i dont it wont stop, but if i do tell, she wont be my friend. And she is a cool friend except for this! WHAT DO I DO?!?!

Well, a true friend won't get mad at you if you tell her to stop copying ur answers off a test. If she does get mad you know that she's just using you. Tell her and see how she reacts. If she says sorry then you know that she is a true friend. Maybe she's having trouble with schoolwork and see how you can help her (like help her study or something). If she gets mad, then she is not a good friend and maybe that really is the end of a friendship. This had never happened to me before and I feel really bad for you that it's happening to you. :mellow:

I really hope I helped and I'm sorry if I didn't.

I wouldn't tell now but don't let her do it anymore. Tell her you don't roll that way and you'd appreciate if she'd respect you and stop.

Tell her that you want the best for her, and if she doesnt learn for herself, she is going to be a hobo when she gets older. If she doesnt learn now, she wont have the education to get into college or get a good job. She will most likely get where you are comng from, and know you are on her side, but if not, she isnt a real friend.

As Being K, I get so annoyed! When We Have to Make observations in science, She doesnt put anything down ,copies me and gets a A+ on Her paper. When I try to cover up my paper, shes like "MOVE YOU FRICKEN ARM!" Remember when she asked you for her spelling homework and you Refused? That was a great choice. Next time she askes you, ignore her. If she sees no one is helping her, maybe she will stop and move on. And about being her friend, I wouldent. She doesnt act like a friend, so why would you be her friend?

[SIZE=22pt]Well, theres two thing you can do.[/SIZE]


1.) You can do what some of the other people are saying, and tell her to stop. I'm sure she'd understand. :]~♥


2.) You can tell a teacher, but request that she doesn't tell her that you told on her. :0

she is going to be a hobo when she gets older.
Hahahaha... =D

ummm, here's what I do when someone's cheating- I do all the problems WRONG, then let them copy, and pretend that im checking over my answers while they hand their test in. then, after they hand their test in, I erase all my answers and put the right ones in. MUAHA

Next time she asks to copy off you, maybe you should say something along the lines of "I don't want to. It is too risky, if they catch you, I will also get into trouble, and I don't want to. Plus, I have studied and if you have too, you shouldn't need to copy off me, and if you haven't studied you should know how to sort yourself out".

In my school, most teachers from the higher grades take for granted that people try to copy and just keep an eye out and penalise those exams which seem suspiciously similar.

Whenever someone tries to copy off me, either before the exam I tell them that if they want to sit by me to copy off me, fine by them, but I will not be whispering any answers. If someone calls my name during the exam, I am generally too concentrated to be listening to what is going on around me.

If you don't want to tell on your friend to the teacher, you can always tell the teacher some day after class that you are suspicious that there are some students copying in her class, you do not wish to tell and whether he/she could just look a bit harder to avoid such behaviour.

[SIZE=7pt]Absolutley don't tell on this girl. I hate to say it, but it's your OWN fault. She can't 'force' you to help her cheat. Next time, think about the future before you do someting you'll regret.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7pt]Absolutley don't tell on this girl. I hate to say it, but it's your OWN fault. She can't 'force' you to help her cheat. Next time, think about the future before you do someting you'll regret.[/SIZE]
What?!?! No, it's NOT just your fault. SHE is the one trying to cheat off of YOUR paper, and it is very difficult to overcome peer pressure! Yes, you are partially at fault for allowing it to continue, but this is not just your fault, and don't let anyone tell you it is!

[SIZE=7pt]@Liongirl I understand your point hun, but if she was trying to cheat off her test DURING the quiz, cover up the paper pretending you didn't hear her, then the teacher will chew her out for talking. [/SIZE]

You don't let someone copy your hard work....

And if she was trying to get you to help her cheat BEFORE the quiz, you should have ignored her.

Tell K and A that next time she asks you for an answer, just say no and cover up your paper or textbook somehow so that H can't see it.

If it is continuous, you better tell your teacher for Science and Reading that she is copying and asking for your answers and that is how she got her good grades. :(

[SIZE=7pt]@Liongirl I understand your point hun, but if she was trying to cheat off her test DURING the quiz, cover up the paper pretending you didn't hear her, then the teacher will chew her out for talking. [/SIZE]
You don't let someone copy your hard work....

And if she was trying to get you to help her cheat BEFORE the quiz, you should have ignored her.
I'm not trying to be rude, but I would appreciate it if you did not call me hun. You don't know me, and I don't know you. Thank you.

And maybe the teacher would have yelled at her for talking, but if she explained why she was talking, then I'm pretty sure the teacher would understand.

[SIZE=7pt]@ Liongirl. Just being friendly, as I am much older than you, what shall I address you as? Nothing?[/SIZE]

Exactly, if she is caught, do tell on her, but dont just go telling on her when no test is happening. She can get EXPELLED for cheating, and Demonslayer could get suspended for not stopping it.

^ As far as I know liongirl is like 19.

But I don't know how old you are, soo..


I'd tell her the teacher is going to be suspicious of similar answers.

Or telling the teacher you *think* people are cheating off you and enforce a better watch on that.

You should tell her though and if she can deal with that, well tough for her...

Hehe, i cheated off of a friend of mine on a test today.

And yes, she can get expelled for cheating. But she should have thought of those consequences before she cheated. Teachers always make it very clear that cheating is unacceptable, therefore the consequences of cheating are also clear.

*edited to remove useless bits of argument*

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Telling when the cheating is not actually happening probably isn't the best idea, because it is quite unlikely that there will be any kind of evidence of the cheating. Reporting it immediately after a test, if you have done everything you can to prevent it and your friend is STILL trying to cheat, is a good idea.

*edited to remove useless bits of argument*

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First off, this is Seriously Non-Tamatalk and if we can't handle ourselves maturely than this topic will be closed with or without the question being answered.

Back on track, it is never OK for someone to cheat off of you, ever! If you tell the class monitor and if she is rude to you after that she isn't a good friend. Having a 'cool' friend isn't always 'the bomb' or whatever, it can get you in deep trouble if you don't do something about it. If she gets better grades than you you know you have a problem. Before a test gently tell her that it isn't cool to copy and you don't roll like that, if she tries to copy you turn the opposite direction and when handing your test in inform your class monitor. They will keep and eye out. If it still goes on offer to help her study, don't give her answers to anything when helping her either, just help her. Quiz, if you will.

I hope it gets better!


Since you were not in school today...well....Teachers found out. They saw a lot of people struggling on that test, and it was suspicious for her to get 100% on it. She got a zero on the test, because a man came in and dealeted the test. So the teachers found out.....

(DemonSlayer5050 is a good friend of mine and goes to school with me)

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