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Violetchi luv

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2011
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Mushnik's Flower Shop
Yesterday I noticed there was a black splotch on my tama-go. It won't come off. I removed the clear plastic lens and it's still there. I tried wiping it off and it won't go away. It's even on there when the background's gone. If my married Ojitchi's age has anything to do with it, he's one year old. He's married to Ringotchi.

out of the description that you gave, it sounds like the LCD display might be damaged.

im not saying it is, but that's what it seems like.

-Nazotchi25 :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi:

I have the same thing on my Tama Go. Its really annoying but I learn to live with it. Curse the evil black splotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hmm... my little brother's tama-go had this black splotch on it too.

i dunno how he got that, but it seems that he doesn't care about his tama-go and often make it dirty or other 'simply' stuffs.looks like he doesn't have responsibility or have lost interest in first i thought that the black splotch in my brothers tama-go is a seaweed(and i think that he purposely put it inside,too).but i stil dunno how to get rid of it :nyatchi:

i'll post some pictures about it if i can.

Maybe you could reset/download it or take the batteries out for a day? I'm not sure if that will work or not though.

yeah, thats a lcd leek. there realy is no way to fix it. at this point you just have to live with it.

I had that on my ice-cream V3 once (I dropped it.), I had to get another one which of course was missing pixels after I put in a battery years after I last played with it, so I'm lacking a V3. :(

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I also have the black splotch, however it is right in the corner do it doesn't bother me much. Mine is a V3 too!

The Black Splotch? the name makes me want to laugh, just like when I see a horror movie preview and the best name they can come up with is "the thing" or "the Blob". in short, I think the name is awsome. in more serious terms, it sound really unplesant and annoying to have on the screen! I am super paranoid about the screen and stuff. I have hundreds of different protctive sytems for my gotchis. I have one scratch that runs down the corner of my IDL's screen and it drives me crazy whenever I see it as I play the jumping game. none of my have gotten the black splotch yet.

<lucky clumsy duck :lol:

Lol I'm just remembering Billy Connolly in Muppet Treasure Island- this is EXACTLY how I would react if it happened to one of my Tamas:

Well I dont know , did you drop it by any chance. I have had my Tama-GO for quite a while and this has never happned to me...

It's most likely not gum, gum would've looked all pink (or whatever color the gum was.) I have it on my tama-go; I dropped it, I don't know what it fell on to get it (it was either the computer room floor or hitting the wall with 90 pounds of pressure on it when I was attacked by a 4 year old, lol) but if it falls, and it falls on something really hard, like pavement as you mentioned above, it will mess up something in the inside. (I'm not a tama doctor so I don't know how to fix it)

Your best bet is asking someone on tamatalk how to take it apart and fix it, or ignore it.

Even one drop would do it...

Try taking it apart and looking inside. Ask your mom if you can do it, and if she says no then ask her to. If she still says no then just ask for a new Tama, lol ;)

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