This is my blog!


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Active member
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hey! This is going to be my blog. :angry: Just so you can see what it happening with my tama! By the way, my tama is a v3! :)

Ok,... my tama so far; :D

Name: Sid

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Teletchi - Tamatchi - Piroriroritchi - Masktchi

Then, had baby with matched patner ,aka; matchmaker came!

Left at age: 8 years old

Sid's kid: (lol, that rhymes :D )

Name: Jucy!

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Shiroteletchi - Mohitamatchi - Hinatchi - Sekitoritch

Then had a baby with matched patner ,aka; matchmaker came!

And that is all!... For now! What i mean it Jucy! and her baby (who i think is going to be a girl) are still together! But not for very much longer! :D

Ok, i'll try to do this every arvo but i might forget or have to much homework or sumthing! but i'll try my hardest! i hope by doing this i'll make lots of friends and get to know people really well! Tomorrow, i'll tell you guys wheather or not Jucy! has left her daughter/son to face the real world! :angry:



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Oh ok! Well I'll keep going, seeing as it is already moved!

I woke up this morning and the parent was still there! They wore both asleep. I'll write my next blog when the parent leaves!

Ok, today, I'm not at school, because I'm sick! But at least that mean that i can type heaps of entries about my tama!

Still asleep, Probably will wake up in an hour or so! Till then i will just wait! and reply in other peoples logs!

TTFN; Ta Ta For Now,


[SIZE=14pt] :eek: They have woken up! As soon as they did, I fixed up everything, such as; sickness, hunger, and happiness. then i played some games to get Jucy!'s weight down, and to get so money! I played about 4 games, when i got 9999 pts! Then i had nothing to do, so I donated 3000pts to the king, then played it all back! :D [/SIZE]


By the way, please reply! I would really like to know what you guys think of my tama! And guides and admin; please don't delete them! Thank you!


Does anyone know how to tell when a baby is going to be a girl or boy? :huh: Coz I think it is going to be a girl, but i just want to know you guys think it is going to be! It is a baby, with black head and a white body! A Shiroteletchi or somthing! And what i'v had so far is; Boy Girl... do you think it will be a girl or a boy? That would be cool! :lol:

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*Removed: Do not post in other people's logs*

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Thanks so much for the help! It's a girl! I new it! (hehehe mum ows me 1 dollor B) ) thanks guys for replying, and for the compliments! I will keep going on will my blog now, then. i guess!

No news, so i'll just tell the stats!;

Hunger; [####] (4 out of 4)

Happy: [####] (4 out of 4]

Training: [|||| ] (4 out of 9)

Age: 8 yr

Weight: 31LB

Points: 9999p

I think i might tell you guys what items i have!;







Action Figure

Roller Skates

Rc car

Rc toy

Bow tie


Sun glasses

Cuckoo Clock










The bought foods;



Hot Dog











Cheese Cake

Ice Cream


Energy Drink


Cup Cake

I have every souvenire except no.'s;

No. 9

No. 11

No. 12

No. 13

No. 14

No. 17

No. 22

No. 32

Okay, i have to go now! Bye!!! :pochitchi:


[SIZE=14pt]Hey guys! I'll quickly tell you about my new baby tama before I clean up my room![/SIZE]


Name: Bindi (named after a very sick cat that was brung in with an almost exploding bladder![he could go wee wee XD :p ][i'm talking about a vet, my mum is a verternaian nurse!])

Age: 0yr (of course)

Weight: 12 LB

Gender:.............. IT'S A GIRL! (Cough up the money, mum!)

Generation: 3

[SIZE=14pt]I have bad news! :huh: (not a bout tama's but this is my blog, so i'll put it here!); [/SIZE]

My mum split her head open! It was so deep, it was down to the bone! About an inch in length and it was pouring out because it was about 1 cm open! It was a huge gash! :rolleyes: I didn't see it but that's what she told me! It was a her work. And her workmates, drove her to our docter and she ended up getting 9 stickes! (they gave her 8 but she needed an odd number, and 9 is her lucky number! so she asked for another one!) I feel so sorry for her. But she doesn't care! Coz she is woman, hear her roar *roars*! :p

[SIZE=14pt]Hey guys! I'll quickly tell you about my new baby tama before I clean up my room![/SIZE]


Name: Bindi (named after a very sick cat that was brung in with an almost exploding bladder![he could go wee wee XD :p ][i'm talking about a vet, my mum is a verternaian nurse!])

Age: 0yr (of course)

Weight: 12 LB

Gender:.............. IT'S A GIRL! (Cough up the money, mum!)

Generation: 3

[SIZE=14pt]I have bad news! :huh: (not a bout tama's but this is my blog, so i'll put it here!); [/SIZE]

My mum split her head open! It was so deep, it was down to the bone! About an inch in length and it was pouring out because it was about 1 cm open! It was a huge gash! :rolleyes: I didn't see it but that's what she told me! It was a her work. And her workmates, drove her to our docter and she ended up getting 9 stickes! (they gave her 8 but she needed an odd number, and 9 is her lucky number! so she asked for another one!) I feel so sorry for her. But she doesn't care! Coz she is woman, hear her roar *roars*! :p

[SIZE=14pt]Sorry about the double post! Don't know what happened there! Anyways, my mum is getting a bit better, but it still looks really bad! [/SIZE]


Although, onto the subject of my tama! I'm treating Bindi really bad, to see if i can get a cool character! So far she is one of those star ones(teenager),weighing 97LB and is only 2yrs old. She's been sick heaps and i keep letting her become really hungry and unhappy then fixing it! Does anyone know if this is a good tactic to get cool/different characters? If so, could you tell me what characters?! Thanks! By the way, i'm typing this at school! I'm in ict and i am sitting next to my friend Azize! *Azize says hi!* *So does Sarah!*

Ok got to go before the teacher see! (she such a dumb blonde!) ok bye! :(

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*Note from Bell Sprout:


Replying in logs is forbidden under any circumstances! Any further posts made in this log that aren't by Miatchi will warrant an instantaneous warn for being in breech of the rules despite warning. These are the rules as laid out by TamaTalk. If you want ppl to comment on your log, then find your way to Blogagotchi If you want to comment on another persons log use the PM system!*

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