This is really starting to freak me out.


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Well-known member
May 9, 2006
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Okay, so here's the story.

There's this girl, and she's really starting to scare me. She's goes to the Drama program I'm going too - but she's in a different age group (She's 12, I'm 15).

Okay, so the other day, I was laying down, and she picked up a metal dustpan with a really sharp edge, came up to me and held it up to my neck. Then, she followed me outside, drew a circle in the ground around my feet, and started chanting this stuff, saying she was summoning evil spirits to kill me. o.o

I saw her at the program again today, and she picked up a broom and started hitting and chasing me with it. Really hard. I told her she's going to end up in Asylum, and she started crying and shouting "No! Not that! I don't wanna go back there again! No!"

She's really starting to freak me out. I'm so scarred of her that I don't want to even go back to the Drama program. I won't even let my parents leave me at home alone because I'm so scared. What should I do?

Report it to the poliece. If you haven't done anything to her, that's assult and she could go to jail.

... Not saying that jail is always the answer, but honestly, if someone is trying to seriously kill you, something has to be done.

Contact the police and report her for harassing you. She seems crazy, and you should really stay away from her.

Talk to the teachers at your drama program too, and let them know what's going on.

Contact the police and report her for harassing you. She seems crazy, and you should really stay away from her. Talk to the teachers at your drama program too, and let them know what's going on.

That's not right of her to do that and if you don't do something someone else may get hurt/disturbed too.

Contact the police and report her for harassing you. She seems crazy, and you should really stay away from her. Talk to the teachers at your drama program too, and let them know what's going on.
Agreed. Has she bothered other folks or just you? If you aren't alone I suggest all of you get in a group and all go together to explain to the teachers and police that she is possibly a threat and needs to be dealt with for your safety.

I would tell someone at the Drama Program about it so they can deal with her and get her help. Explain like you did here what shes doing. I don't think they are going to let her keep attacking you for legal reasons. It could be shes not getting enough attention at home and is trying to get it else where, which is sad. Either that or she has some serious mental problems that need to be taken care of.

Whoa- she sounds like my cousin.

OK, all jokes aside, you should speak to your drama teachers about it. If it gets worse, contact the police.

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Personally I would speak to the Drama group teacher, and then discuss with her what you should do. You could probably ask her to inform her parents and go to the police if it is necessary. I'm sorry to hear about her being a little wierd with you.

It sounds to me as if the Adults responsible for running the Drama program you are attending are not supervising the participants closely enough ;) which (from a parental point of view) is pretty disturbing

The obvious thing to do first is not to post the question on TamaTalk, but to speak to the teacher / adult in charge of your Drama program and ask them to deal with the problem.

If they are unable (or unwilling) to take action, then talk with your parents and ask them to insist the teacher deals with the problem.

The police should only be consulted if the first two solutions don't solve anything and you (and your parents) have serious concerns for your personal safety.

If that ends up being the only solution, I would withdraw immediately from the program, ask for my money back and lodge an official complaint with the company that runs the program.

This is something that the adults have to solve for you.

well,does this girl have mental problems has she ever been to jail??

If i where u i would ask her parents or how ever pick the little girl up from drama camp if she does have any thing wrong with her, or ask your mom or dad to ask who ever pick her up for u hope this helps bye!

This girl's got to get it together. That's all I can say.

I would definiteley tell my Parents about this.

Try talking to the *drama* couseller.

If this girl is having problems, somebody has to know how to keep them under control.

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[SIZE=8pt]I don't think it's a camp. ^^[/SIZE]


She could get in lots of trouble for hitting you with a broom. Did you tell anyone about that?

I think the best thing to do is try to stay away from her - if you can.



She doesn't seem crazy to me, she seems like shes trying to scare, and torture you. Although those things she done was harsh, show some backbone. Tell her to stop, report her, or sit and have a talk with her. o.o'

Are you sure she just did this out of random? Because I have some family members who play a bit to much and take it out of hand, yet she seems like a immature, and crazy girl... Oh wait.. I said crazy..

[SIZE=20pt]Try to be her friend.[/SIZE]

Wait she is.. Asylum is a crazy house, my mom just told me, xP.

She's a looney tooe. xP Watch out I wouldn't hang around crazy people like that.

Um.. does she look crazy? Is her hair all messed up and her eyes, does it look crazy, does she look off?

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Appearently, this girls got some issues. Tell her to stop, or that shes starting to scare you. No, don't tell her your scared.. She might start doing thse things even more because she might be aming for scaring you. But either way, shes gotta stop. Tell a teacher, and your parents. You might even want to contact the police if she keeps on going.

I'm sure you parents will do something about it. They will have to.

Definitely tell. If she starts trying to hit you with a broom or something, go by a teacher. They might see what she is doing. But that's just an idea of what to do when she does start hurting you. Tell an adult, and if they don't help much, go to your parents or the police. Or both. There's nothing to lose. And I think it's okay to post this question on TamaTalk, also, because we will give you support and comfort the best we can.

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