This is really weird?


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Active member
Nov 23, 2009
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Yonkers NY
[SIZE=14pt]rite after i fed my tama it i clicked on the button to clean it..n insted of it going away, my tama ate it!! :D wtf? why woud my tama eat its own poop..its fine now, nothin bad happend but will it be ok? will it die?...did this ever happen 2 u?[/SIZE]


i looked on some other tama sites like this, n 1 other person had the same problum...

btw my tamas a v4.

That shoulden't do any harm.

These things are may be random and are caused by a glitch. I am sure it will be fine.

I had that problem before.

It won't harm your tamagotchi.

but it look weird ^_^

It's just like eating normal food.

Sometime when i press buttons. They make different sounds.

So i think you have a similar problem. :D

:D idk what happend to u it sounds weird though... i wouldn't worry it was prob. just a glitch


Like everyone has said, it's a glitch.

Most commonly occurring on V4s and V6 Music Star.

Oh, I'd love to see little Jacob (my tama) so that. It's a glitch. Or maybe it wanted chocolate.

:p That sounds so funny!

Imagine (crap, there's no Kikitchi :( ) A Kikitchi eating a piece of poop......................*throws up* k, don't imagine that......

it's just a small glitch your tama will be fine:). Thats really funny that it ate its own poo LOL

omg that sounds so funny i would think your tama would be ok lol eating its own poo i wish my tama did that

This will happen when your tamagotchi's battery is low. This mainly happens to a V4. DW, It's just a glitch. Try to get a new battery if you can.

Since you say it's a v4, it's likely due to the version. You might want to try a v4.5 if you would like to avoid or compare any such problems.

This may happen because you proably cliked it to fast and the tamagotchi thought you clicked food so it just ate its poop its a weird sitution i never heard something like this but it could happen.

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