this is weird...


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Uras r us

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
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:puroperatchi: Ok. So i recently bought a v4.5 and i had a v4 at the time. I connected them. My v4.5 guy showed up as a MAILMAN! What the heck is going on? is this normal? oh and my gozarutchi (ninja) on v4 showed up regular! what is going on? thanks
its normal dont get freaked out .it happens cause if u have two different versions and u connect if one version has a character the other version doesnt have it turns out to be a mailman but if it does have the character it shows up in the original character .like the v4.5 and v4 have the ninja character but the v4 doesnt have the character that u have in the v4.5 :puroperatchi:

Thanks! i heard something about it and i thought i'd just post this anyway But! to tell you i have a ura young memetchi. :(

That explains it. Where one character doesn't appear on the other version it's substitued with :) and vice versa. But if one character DOES appear on the other version as per normal, the tama won't be substitued. This even applies to mametchi on the v3/v2 because in v3 it has been redrawn but still appears as the original beady-eyed fat mametchi on the v2 instead of being substitued.

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