this opne time my power went out


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Ha, once the power went and I had to do my art homework by candlelight, set my hair on fire and 'entertained' everyone with my guitar playing and singing.


I *usualy* don't mind when the power goes out- especial during school. ;]

I forgot to mention- I love it when my power goes out. It makes the house dark. :]

I Remember When I Was In Grade 7 The Power Went Out When We Walked In Class

And We Had To Go Home

And One Day I Was Hungry For Mister Noodles And Made It On A Fire Stove Because No Power

It Was Yummy

Yay :D

Haha, when I was 6 there was this black out and I was really scared so I cried and cried, then when I went to sleep I woke up and threw up. Then the next morning the power went back on. XD

It happened to us in 2003!

But don't worry, the experience is how you make it.

Like me, for instance. We drove for 3 hours to stay some place where there is electricity!

Our power goes out at least three times a year. It's usually during heavy rain during the winter, and the wind makes a tree fall down on one of the lines. It's not that bad, except for if it goes off during the afternoon of a schoolday. Then you can't see anything, because it's so dark from the storm outside. The longest it's been out for was three days.

It's lot's of fun when it goes out during school, then we don't have to do a lot of things for the entire day. (because for a lot of stuff the teachers need computers or television.)

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The last time the power went out was like about in June?

Yeah, I got bored and went to sleep early :c

Well power goes out all the time when theres a thunder storm.

But a couple summers ago our whole part of the country ran out of power for like, 3 days so my mom and I had to run to a corner store and buy ice so we could fill up tupper ware contains to put our frozen stuff in so they didn't melt.

But it didn't exactly work, oh well.

i was at mi friends house 1 time when it started to rain really hard so we had to go arould un pluging every thing just in case sumthen happen! r parents were all talking in the liveing room and then this huge noise came out of nowere and the power went out me and him both ran like crazy to are parents we were freaked out!!!!!!!!! it was only out for half an hour thow!

i felt bad for my little bro though cuz he is afriad of the dark :wacko: and up satirs it was pich black ( and im mean u really couldnt even see ur hands if they were right infront of u! :ph34r: ) so he screamed! and look franticly for the stairs and i was scared because he would probubly fall down the stairs if he found them!! but luckily i found him by calling his name ( and i could walk around the house with my eyes closed) so i held his hand and we found the stairs! :furawatchi:

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