This really burns! It stings! It pains!


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
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Okay, I got this v3. I ABSOLUTELY DETEST IT! Why did I get it?

Here are what I really want to use it for. But I got it for a birthday present, and... well I don't want any hard feelings.

1: Toilet paper

2: Dog/guinea pig/rabbit chew toy

It drives me insane! Honestly! I've reset it about a million times because of pure frustration! I made up this odd 'RESET!' "song", featuring Em and I as the singers, and a couple of other people butting in:

Me: What do you do with a Tama v3?

Em: Reset!

Me: Yes, RESET!

Em: Reset, set, set!

Me: Again, repeat!

Em: Reset, set, set!

Mrs. Maude: You're driving me insane!

Em: Cakehead, you are, you know how bad v3s are!


Mrs. Alback: Aw, don't be mean!

Me: Thought you hated plastic pets?

Mrs. Alback: But if it were real would you do this to it?

Em: No, but RESET!

Me: Version 3s are a pile of *resets Tamagotchi v3*, a pile of *resets Tamagotchi v3*, a pile of *resets Tamagotchi v3*!

Mrs. Maude: I don't get it.

Me: Get it? A pile of BEEP?!

Mrs. Alback: Got nicer words to put it in?


Me: Yes, RESET!

Em: ROM test and all!

(Em and I ROM test our v3s. Mrs. Alback and Mrs. Maude just... watch.)

Em: I'll call mine BEEP!

Me: I'll call mine RESET!

Em: Yes, RESET!

Mrs. Maude: Can I have a v3 too?

Me: Serious?

Em: I repeat, serious?

Mrs. Maude: Yes, yes, yes!

(I conjure up one by magic)

Mrs. Maude: Yay, a v3!

Em: A bit cakeheaded you are!

Mrs. Maude: Shut up! I can't help being Mrs. Maude!

Aki: What's all the commotion?

Em: A v3! Yes, RESET!

Me: Reset, reset, reset! Set, set, set!

Em: Re, re, re!

Me: Set, set, set!

Mrs. Alback: Though it's a plastic pet, why show virtual cruelty?

Me: (yelling in Mrs. Alback's ear) RESET!

Mrs. Alback: Don't blow my ear out!


Mrs. Alback, Mrs. Maude and Aki: DON'T RESET! OR JUST STOP SAYING IT!

Em: Restart! I didn't say Reset!

Mrs. Alback: Don't say 'Restart' either!

Me: Then what is she to say?

Mrs. Alback: NOTHING!

Me: (muttering) Reset.

(The five walk off separately. Mrs. Maude is happily playing with her v3. Em and I are just pulling angry faces.)

Get the message? Reset! Rom test! That's my way of surviving the STUPID v3!

Got survival tips? Please help!


I don't know how to v3 could be a problem. I have 1 and it's just fine for me. I'm on the 2nd genoration with a cute debetchi.


Do you have other tamagotchi Connections? Because a V3 is the same thing just with more features then V1 and V3 and you don't have to use them, and if you don't like playing with tamas just let it lie in a drawer or something.

I hae it as much as you do.

I should try using it as toilet paper xD

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