This RUDE Girl is MORE then "rude"


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
I was in the bathroom at my friend's in the shower at a party. We played truth or dare and a friend dared me to have someone paint my face like a kitty's and put my head in the litterbox. I did. I then took a shower. When I was drying off in the shower - a friend started unlocking the door (I have no idea how) and it was slowly unlocking. I held it locked. And then my friend's said "Michaela's probably easdropping in there" I yelled "No I'm not!" in a joking way and everyone laughed. Then it was unlocking again - and I ran to the door and tried to stop it. Then I went back to where I was drying myself. Then it unlocked without me knowing (i'm still...bare) and my friend whispered "It's unlocked!" and another yelled "JUST BURST IT OPEN!" and everyone laughed. I yelled "PERVERT!" 'cause EVERYONE was calling eachother that (maybe I shouldn't of, but it's nasty to do that when I say STOP) and then she tried to unlock it - by that point I grabbed my clothes and tried to change in to them - and I'm still like 1/3 wet - and trying to hold the door locked. Then I opened the door and I told her she should NEVER do that again. She was like:

"Well, it's not like I was trying to look at you nude!"

and I'm like "Why'd you unlock it? It wasn't funny, and it's not a good 'joke'"

she's like "Joke? what joke? YOU were the one who was easdropping"

I'm like "NO! I was DRYING - it was very quiet in the room - and you were all talking - I DIDN'T mean to hear anything - nor DID I hear much"

and she's like "I saw your shadow"

and I'm like " Well don't you think I would run up to the door if it was being unlocked and everyone was yelling 'push it open'" ?!?!?!?

And she said "DON'T call me names!"

and I went downstairs and cryed.

That girl was like my best friend and then she ignors me at school. If she does I'd be like "Are you mad at me?" 9in a VERY nice way) and she's be like "STOP complaining! I HAVE a life! YOU COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN!!!" and it was the 1st time I brought it up :huh:

All of this is 100% TRUE I HATE that girl!!!! >.>

And in the morning she expects me to give her a ride to her house. She's like "No - my mom's not comming - I'm taking a ride with Audrey and Audrey is going home with Michaela(me) so I HAVE to ride YOUR car, michaela" And my dad didn't know this untill she was 1/2 done with packing her things in my car. :(

Help me! ;)

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Just don't try with her anymore- as TL would say, she's a toxic friend.

She really isn't worth your time. Try to weed yourself away from her because you are just going to get hurt.

She'll be the one missing out on your great friendship. ;]

Leave Her

And Tell Her Off If You Want. Its Up Too You

The Car Part, Just Pass Her And Ignore Her >_<

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That's still terrible. I've had that happen to me too. Absolutely embarassing.

Have a talk with them and set things straight. Tell them how upset and embarassed you felt.


I was in the bathroom at my friend's in the shower at a party. We played truth or dare and a friend dared me to have someone paint my face like a kitty's and put my head in the litterbox. I did. I then took a shower. When I was drying off in the shower - a friend started unlocking the door (I have no idea how) and it was slowly unlocking. I held it locked. And then my friend's said "Michaela's probably easdropping in there" I yelled "No I'm not!" in a joking way and everyone laughed. Then it was unlocking again - and I ran to the door and tried to stop it. Then I went back to where I was drying myself. Then it unlocked without me knowing (i'm still...bare) and my friend whispered "It's unlocked!" and another yelled "JUST BURST IT OPEN!" and everyone laughed. I yelled "PERVERT!" 'cause EVERYONE was calling eachother that (maybe I shouldn't of, but it's nasty to do that when I say STOP) and then she tried to unlock it - by that point I grabbed my clothes and tried to change in to them - and I'm still like 1/3 wet - and trying to hold the door locked. Then I opened the door and I told her she should NEVER do that again. She was like:
"Well, it's not like I was trying to look at you nude!"

and I'm like "Why'd you unlock it? It wasn't funny, and it's not a good 'joke'"

she's like "Joke? what joke? YOU were the one who was easdropping"

I'm like "NO! I was DRYING - it was very quiet in the room - and you were all talking - I DIDN'T mean to hear anything - nor DID I hear much"

and she's like "I saw your shadow"

and I'm like " Well don't you think I would run up to the door if it was being unlocked and everyone was yelling 'push it open'" ?!?!?!?

And she said "DON'T call me names!"

and I went downstairs and cryed.

That girl was like my best friend and then she ignors me at school. If she does I'd be like "Are you mad at me?" 9in a VERY nice way) and she's be like "STOP complaining! I HAVE a life! YOU COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN!!!" and it was the 1st time I brought it up ;)

All of this is 100% TRUE I HATE that girl!!!! >.>

And in the morning she expects me to give her a ride to her house. She's like "No - my mom's not comming - I'm taking a ride with Audrey and Audrey is going home with Michaela(me) so I HAVE to ride YOUR car, michaela" And my dad didn't know this untill she was 1/2 done with packing her things in my car. :D

Help me! :)
omg the last part is the same for me, i have this friend and at school she calles me names and stuff, i'm not gonna get into it, but then in the morning she calls and expects my mom to drive her to school after everthing she said to me


That must've been a very intense situation, but I must say, truth or dare is pretty much a dangerous game to play. Its kind of like telling a 3-year old to not play with matches.

Theres no doubt I wouldn't agree with you. I'd probably say for you to stop talking to your friend for awhile. If it even takes someone else to call you on the phone and say this was an accident, it was defenately not an accident.

If your friend has been doing this quite often, click on this link to continue...

Man...that's harsh. They shouldn't have been so mean! That is just nasty! And I ddnt really get the whole eavesdropping thing...?

And why did she tell u not to call her names, you didn't call her a name anyway!

I sympathyze! <_<


Just don't try with her anymore- as TL would say, she's a toxic friend.
She really isn't worth your time. Try to weed yourself away from her because you are just going to get hurt.

She'll be the one missing out on your great friendship. ;]
Ooooh I got quoted ;D Sweet lol.

Seriously though I'd let her know immediately it's over and you want no contact from her whatsoever since you're done with the games. You've obviously given her enough chances.

If she continues to bother you about this, I suggest getting your parents to speak to her parent(s) about the fact their daughter is giving theirs a hard time, and wishes no further bothering or contact, one way or another. Be there with your parents if they plan to meet up and discuss this, and please make sure you make it clear to both the other parents and her that if the harassment continues after being told to leave you alone, you will take further action to ensure it (such as if she's at least 12 years old, perhaps get some sort of restraining order on her not to call your house). Harsh, but sometimes people DO NOT get the message until you do drastic things.

She sounds evil. How can someone's beat friend do that?!? :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: i wouldn't be her friend. In fact i'd say, "A real friend wouldn't do that and why you did it i don't know. I told you i wasn't easedropping and a real friend would have believed me, and not embarrased me so when you become a true friend let me know. until then leave me alone."

I think since she said she was joking and stuff that you should talk to her about how it made you feel. She may have thought of it as just a joke but you didn't quite think so. Just let her know that you don't appreciate it when she does that and that you don't want her to do it again.


This time, instead of letting it stick to you like bubble gum, let it be a rubber ball and bounce off of you.

If you ignore her, maybe she'll get tired of making fun of you.

If your friends are truely your friends, they would understand.

Let the anger out on the stress ball, or something like that, like a pillow.

Oh yeah, and being nude is just part of your body.

If this girl is making you feel really bad, don't talk to her.

mametchi :D

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She sounds like a right blue burmes python. I'd ignore her back, and she'll see she's hurting your feelings.


*No curse words- I WILL change them to something less attractive! -TW/P*

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tell her off and tell her that if she was your real friend she would not have done that

you know, i have friends like that they are just using you stay away from her

here is some good or bad news people who do not let go of the past die faster :p :D :p ;) :lol: ;)

man you really remind me of my niece, or even me when i was younger. whenever my niece tells me of some mean girls who ignore her and pull pranks like that, it makes me want to punch those girls...but they're like half my age and i would probably go to jail :) and violence isn't the way to go. right now when i think back to those grade school days and all my so called friends doing pranks on me and being a bunch of queen bees, i realize what a waste i spent trying to follow them around and have them like me.

and believe me, friend troubles will go on even past grade school. my "forever" best friend abandoned me when i was having a hard time (ever watched degrassi? you know that one girl manny...yeah) and another best friend i had whom i moved and shared an apartment with ended up backstabbing me and being mean too. let's just say a lot of the things she did to me and in front of me are probably too inappropriate for this message board but my main point is that the best friend you can ever have is yourself, so love yourself, be your own best friend "(not in the loser by-yourself-all-the-time way) i think it would be wise to be independent and proud of being you and not trying to follow other girls. your old friends being mean? they're not worth it, TRUST me. i really wish i knew then what i know now.

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