Tired of pausing and evolving late?


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Are you tired of pausing your tamagotchi, then waiting forever for it to evolve? This might be your solution!

First, make sure you won't be gone more than your tama sleeps. Example: Let's say I was going to school for 8 hours. My tama would have to sleep for 8 or more hours. Set the time to your tama's bedtime before you leave, then when you come back, set the time to the normal time. This way, your tama won't lose time like it would if it was paused.

But, there is always a risk that you would come back late and find your tama in a bad condition.

Good luck! :(

Be careful if you take your tama to school, there is always the risk of losing it or having it stolen, so bear that in mind.

Best wishes,

Raspberry :rolleyes:

That's what I do most of the time. When it's a lazy day at school though, (early release) I look at my tamagotchi and take care of it frequently. (myabe every 15, 20 mins?)

I've heard about people's tamas being vandalised at schools though. so I advise you not to bring it in and use the advice tenniswinner made this topic for. :blink:

I don't put mine in my backpack - I put mine in my hoodie pocket.

Hoody pocket is good I guess, so you can check on it quickly. But it could fall out...And you may give clues to the teacher(unless she's alright with it.).

I bring mines to school ,turn the sound off and put it on the time and date screen.Since tamas are really popular at my school all the teachers know about them so if a teacher sees mines I just tell her that it doesn't work and that I just use it as a clock.

I bring mine to school every single day. Sometimes I put mine on sleep in my pocket, though. Once, I told my brother to take care of mine while I went on a trip. He said his was dead after he left it alone 4 15 minutes. Mine was almost dead. I was happy it didn't! Look at my siggie.

I do that sometimes, to. But when only when it is an child. When it is a teenager or adult I just leave unpaused and don't put it to sleep.

i know what u mean i had a v4 and i took it 2 school and then i lost it after havin it 4 only 5 days but luckily i got 3 v3s now but they are not as good as the v4 obviously

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