TMGO Park Theory


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Have you ever thought much about the Park on the TamaGo?

I reckon it kind of tells you how you are looking after your tama.


I looked after My little Kilalatchi really nicely and went to the park.

First time Kilalatchi met a Lovelitchi (perfect care)

Then he went again and met a Kutchipatchi (great care)

Then afterwards, I forgot about him and left him there alone for about half an hour and I then go to the park AGAIN and finds Gozarutchi (horrible care), and the time after this Kilalatchi goes on the swing with a Pipotchi.

I am not sure about this, but it is something to think about.

What do you think?

Well, it's possible. I'll keep an eye out for this :)

Yup. I can confirm that to my use of my Tama-Gos. I've known about that for a while.... Sometimes I'd veiw it as "parents" visiting if it was the same character that the parents were. I also veiw it as a Preview to whom you can date in the dating place... and marry eventually. The more times certain characters show up, the more likely you will have them show up.

That's cool, I'll have to check that out. This could be a great way of discovering if you are on the right path to getting the character you want.

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