Toilet Paper Pet!


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Active member
Oct 31, 2009
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Hello everybody. ;)

First of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time to look at this topic. It means a lot. :)

This topic is called "Toilet Paper Pet Chain". What is basically happening, is we create a pet out of toilet paper, then transport it to other people. In the end, we will look at how many people have had the same pet. Now, I know what you're thinking: You really don't want people to send stuff to you. So instead of sending it by mail, we are going to send it through our toilets! Don't worry - this will all make sense in a bit. :D I'll give you an example of what will happen:

Step 1. The first person creates a pet by making a ball out of toilet paper, and then drawing a face on it.

Step 2. That person keeps the pet for at least an hour.

Step 3. The person takes a picture of the pet, posts the picture on here, and then flushes the pet down the toilet.

Step 4. Another person that reads this topic, will see that the pet has been flushed down the toilet. And will "retrieve" it and repeat the above steps. (The person will not actually find it in their toilet, obviously, so they will make their own pet, and try as hard as they can to replicate the face of the pet and pretend it is the original.)

Step 5. The person will take a picture of their pet, and post it on here.

Step 6. If the pet gets damaged, lost, or doesn't get "found" in someone's toilet, we will start again with a new pet.

Step 7. Let's see how long we can keep a pet alive!

So there you have it. That's what we are gonna do.

TamaMumEdit: *Info regarding "Rankings" and Club removed*

Have Fun!


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Hey guys!

Time to start this! I created Joey an hour ago and he is about to be flushed down the toilet! Here is what Joey looks like:


Joey was great! He listened to me and he also was very kind. Although, he did have a very bad habbit of biting his nails. :)

Here is me flushing him down the toilet - excited to see who will find him next!

Joey getting flushed down my toilet

Remember, the first person to make their own copy of Joey will be the next owner!

-Kikitchi- ;)

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