Toilet Training


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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
I just had to clean up Bunny's poop after watching her for the past hour waiting for it so I could get her on the toilet and happened to not be looking her for a few seconds when she did it... ^_^

Anyway I was just wondering peoples thoughts on toilet training and if you think its really worth doing or if your content on cleaning up the poop afterwards.

I think if i had time to deticate to the job I would do it but im fine just sweeping up afterwards as well.

im meanits fun to watch ur tama go on the toilet and all. .. but i don't realyl think that its worth the hassel. . .I stared at my tama for a long time. .. then it decided to go poo while i was getting onto the bus. . . ^_^ which just ended up making me feel like i wasted a lot of time

noo!!!!!!! i turned my head while i waas going out side today. .. and after waiting such a long time for it the stink lines to appear. . .it decdied to do go while i wasn't looking. . . i keep on telling myself i won't be so d"obsessive abot it but i still can't help it. . . :)

i worked out their poop schedule as babies/toddlers and it potty trained mine pretty easily.

check a manual site which will tell you the time length between poops (for example mimitchi 1.5 hours)

then make a log of the first poop and you can work out the rest, then make sure your looking around that time

Ive started taking notice of what time she does a poop then counted 2 and a half hours ahead (the time approx she takes between doing them) and given and taken a few minutes just in case.

Her baby (Sonny) was born yesterday evening and I have caught him doing it once - did you notice it looks like they are sticking their noses up their parents bum when doing it? So weird... - anyway, will this help with the toilet training for when after his mummy leaves him or does it not count?

I know that Sonny goes on 2 past the hour every hour so I make sure I look out for it although I am unsure whether he is being potty trained or not as he is still with his mum.

God knows when Bunny goes, I think its whenever she dang well pleases!

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