Toilet Training


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Jul 7, 2004
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I'm never quick enough to get him onto the potty. Whenever I look at the screen there's a poo and I just have to clean it up. I can't be looking at him all day.... how do you people manage to train yours?

i havent yet. i did it ok when it was a baby coz i just lay in my bed til it grew to child then just did what i cud. I got it sometimes but i've mostly missed. O well i even forget about it sometimes when its in my pocket. sometimes im in school like 2morro (day off 2 day :D ) 2morro alton towers theme park so im scared incase i lose it or it breaks on a ride. and well......dats all....i have no idea what im sayin btw!

better way to do it is find out how often he poo's, has the times, then if its like 120mins, watch him til he poos, then 120 mins look at your tamagotchi again and he shud be going to poo :D

ok u know when it neva beeps when they have lines next 2 em coz they need 2 poo...well this aftanoon it DID beep and i made it have a poo on the toilet in time! Aint dat great?! :eek: :D

:D :D :D :eek: :D :D

When i toilet trained my friends i just saw it with lines coming out of it so i pressed the toilet button and it apeared on a duck shaped potty

but when i did it again when it was an adult it appeared on a proper toilet and he flushed it!!

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