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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2006
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Tomorrow, the whole fourth grade is going to Snake Road.

Instead of having to arrive at 8:25, we have to arive at 7:30.

We're not allowed to bring marshmallows, even though it's kind of like a camping trip. ;)

Even though there are bed frames, we have to bring sleeping bags to go on the frames. o.o

.. Discuss.

Cecib :eek:!=D

You will never guess what kind of camp im going to on Dec 2......

Science Camp!=]

Its not all that science and reall fun, even though its only 5 days...

I already payed for the whole thing ($180)

And it was cool cuz the fifth grade did a fundraiser to raise money for the science camp so its like i didnt even pay anything! -_-

I am excited and want to o already.......o.o

*starts jumping up and down*!=O

Well see, they don't want you to bring marshmallows because it might attract bugs or you might get hyper. And you have to bring a slepping bag because no one likes sleeping on those bed frames...shudder. Trust me.

Wow sounds fun ^^ no marshmallows on a camping trip!? :mametchi: That's crazy but I hope you have fun and bring bug repelant so you don't get biten up by bugs.

Sounds like lots of fun! ^^

I've done two weekend fieldtrips- Gettysburg in 7th grade and Washington DC in 8th.

If I would have made Sequinettes or if I played an instroment and was in Marching Band, I would get to go to Disney World for 6 days over Christmas break. -shot-

... No marshmellows? Aw...

But I'm sure you'll have lots of fun! Hope your beds are comfy! :)

sounds great!

in 5th grade I went on a field trip to science camp for a week! it was so great!

you're gonna enjoy it. overnight field trips are the best!


I got back :)

Bus ride

When we passed by a truck, we would go 'woo-woo-woo-woo' until the truck passed.

The rest of the time, we were chanting 'we will rock you'. And when we said 'rock you' the girls would say 'Barbeque sausage!!'.

Actual Trip

Turns out, they supplied the marshmallows x) (It was cold enough not to attract bugs, though)

Me and a couple of other people couldn't get to bed.

^ Other than that, it was a really fun trip :D

Cecib :D

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I did something just like this in sixth grade. Just like it.

'Cept it was some place called Eagle's Bluff.

It was fun as anything :3

It got sort of lonely though, because if you don't room with your friends you start to think about home and crap, then you cry and that's no fun.

See if you can get one of the rooms to share with some people you know, keep yourself occupied, you won't be disappointed.

Sounded fun =]

I've been on an overnight trip, when I lived in Hawaii.

I lived on the island of Oahu and we went to the Big Island in fourth grade. Plane trip was about 45 minutes and then we stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights, best time of my life. But very expensive, 400 dollars.

Anyways, Glad you had a good time and that they brought marshmellows x]

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