Too young?


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Sep 3, 2005
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My mum says that cuz im twelve :(

im not allowed a tama :chohimetchi: :pochitchi: :mimitchi:

wat do u think??? :(

Maybe if you were half that age I could see. But tamas were aimed at about that age in particular

Too old at 12? Pfhht :chohimetchi: . I'm 23.

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I'm 15 and still loving my tamagotchis :furawatchi: There are others that are in their twenties and up. I don't think you can be too old...maybe too young, but not too old.

ok, on this one site, a girl told me that she had/liked Tamas and she was going into 8th grade! I'm going into 7th and I like 'em, so your not too old. :furawatchi:

I'm 19 (I'll turn 20 in February) and I have a friend that will be turning 20 in 5 days. We both love Tamagotchis. You are definitely not too old. Anway, what's wrong with liking them at any age? It's not going to hurt anyone.

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No matter how old you are you will always have a child inside of you. Tamagotchis are for anyone, no matter over 30 or under 10. You may be 12 or 13 or anything but it's how old you are inside of you that matters. Toys are for whoever likes them and I don't think it's right to tell people they are to old to play with something, because whatever interests them is what they like and you can't stop someone from liking something!

today a lady almost had a heart attack. I was at my moms restaurant and there was this little girl who had no one to connect her tama with so i connecteed with hers and then when the lady figured out i was 13 she nearly died. lol. She was like holy moly! and her daughters 11. Im turning 14 in september 13.. but still im not too olf.

oww thats hurting by the way nice to meets you i'am 10 yrs old got a tama connexion my dad bought it for me

I think u are a suitable age for a tama we respect you for your luv for tamas not how old you are.

I'm 12 and I have a tama, my sister is 15 and she has a tama, my cousin is 7 and she has a tama, I think tamas should be for all ages. :blink:
yup me too :blink:

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