~.: Tophats...? :.~


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Pink Mew

Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Wenatchee, Washington

iThe Original Title was meant to be "Toppyoushimonai", which is "crazy" in Japanese. Since everything I do or touch is crazy, I found it fitting, hmn? But, unfortunately, I forgot how to spell it. xD; I just now looked it up on my Jap/Eng Dictionary.!

Welcome to my Version Four Tamagotchi Growth Log, "Tophats". This is where I will keep the information of my Tamagotchi Version Four that I currently own.

Tamagotchi Info

Main Color: Black

Design: Silver lightning bolt-looking design on the sides, red buttons, text, and ball. (picture: [link])

Obtain Date: December 25th, 2008

Current Tama

Name: Kira

Gender: Male

Personality: Usually non-energetic, and is really hungry, all the time.

Family: Currently? I think the Kuchi Family.


Today, I got my Tamagotchi as a Christmas present. It took me a long time to open it, as I'm not very good at using scissors without cutting myself, so I was being careful. Once I finally got it out, I immediately consulted the Instruction Manual. I hadn't had a Tamagotchi in years, and only a version two when they were new (long, long time. D:), so I was a little rusty. I pulled the tab, and a small, bouncing egg appeared on the screen. It was cute. I set the time, date, username, and my birthday. Soon the egg hatched. It was a adorable black blob with white eyes; a boy. I named him Kira.

After I named him, I instantly set to feeding him and making him happy. At first, I couldn't fill the "HUNGRY" gauge up fully; always, one heart remained. I'd tried meals and snacks, but he wouldn't be filled. I'd given up on that, and tried to make him happy. We played jump rope. The first couple times, he didn't jump soon enough. He looked sad when he didn't get any points. We tried again and again, and finally got to nine. We couldn't get passed that for a while, so I fed him again. Two hearts had gone down. I gave him two meals, and the last heart still stayed empty. He had full "HAPPY", though.

We played and played, ate and ate. Suddenly, he fell asleep. At first, I'd thought I'd done something wrong. Then I saw the little "z"s, and was at ease. While he napped - it was eleven in the morning - I decided to play Pokemon Ranger on my DS. He woke up after about an half an hour. We played for a while. Suddenly, the Attention button lit up. Oh-- he'd crapped all over the screen. I quickly cleaned it off, and he was happy. He got sick soon after that, and, from my previous experience, I knew to go to the Medicine icon. He healed in one dose. We played a little more.

I set him down after that, to play a little more Pokemon Ranger. I'd completely ignored the Diamond and Pearl games I'd gotten, but I remembered them after a while, but didn't play them. I checked Kira. He was crying. I didn't know what to do, to be honest. I'd known there was a "Discipline" icon, but I'd thought it was only for that; discipline. I tried medicine, food, and games. But he wouldn't stop crying. Finally, I thought to scold him for needless crying; I went to the "Discipline" icon. I became aware of the "PRAISE" selection below. Feeling extremely stupid, I selected it, and he was all smiles-and-sunshine again.

My sister had gotten a Tamagotchi, too. Her egg had hatched as a girl. I tried to connect them, for what seemed a thousand times; but, after many failed attempts, I came to the conclusion that babies couldn't connect. My sister's Tam' was named Kimmy. I hoped that, once they both evolved to toddlers, they'd connect for every second of the day. I hoped that she and Kira would mate, but it seemed Kira wasn't happy about that, and neither was Kimmy. Was that why they won't connect? I pondered that, then set to playing jump rope again with Kira. We got to thirty and won the game.

As I was discussing the loss of our family present - our Wii got delayed because of "bad weather"; Seattle cant handle snow - an irregular "bee-bu-beep" sounded form Kira's Tama. I checked, and, instead of the black blob, there was a white circle with a Mohawk. He'd evolved into a Toddler at last; a Mohitamatchi. I was really happy, but he was really hungry. I fed him, and after, I tried Mimic. I had no idea what to do, so I lost the first game I played, and didn't try again.

Then, Kimmy evolved to a Toddler, too. She was an adorable Harutchi, which happened to be my favorite Tamagotchi character. Excited, we tried to connect. But it wouldn't go? I tried again. They didn't go anything. Annoyed and confused, I gave up, instead playing jump rope again.

Then, mail came. Both me and Kira were happy. The mailman dropped of a letter. I opened it, and it was from an egg in a cape. The king? He gave Kira a backpack. Sunshine and smiles again. I went to the Connection icon, and selected "WORK". He floated upwards, leaving a sign behind, reading "AWAY". Only a few seconds later, he came back. He was hungry, so I fed him. We played more games. Nothing really exciting happened after that. We won jump rope a few more times,donated 1,310 points to the king. He gave us a nice plant in return first, then 400 points. How nice.

He fell asleep at eight PM. Grinning, I left him be to come write this. Tomorrow, I hope, he will become a teen. I'm hoping him to become a Young Kuchipatchi. Then a Kuchipatchi. He's kinda' cutel like a dinosaur. And everyone like dinosaurs. It is ten twenty five as I write this. And so, I bid you a good night.

Kira's Stats




[♥] (D:)


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0 yrs.


48 Pounds










Kira's Stats:


[♥] [♥] [♥] [♥]


[♥] [♥] [♥] [♥]


[|] [|] [|] [|] [|] [|] [|]








1 yr.


48 Pounds









Today, I woke up before Kira; which was a surprise, considering I like to sleep in late. Apparently, he does, too. I believe he woke up at nine. As soon as he was up, we played some games. His "HAPPY" was down to one heart. He was full for once, though. I set him down so I could start a Pokemon Diamond game, and a few minutes later, the same irregular "beep" sounded. I looked, and, he'd evolved! Now, he's a Hinotamatchi. At first, I was a little disappointed, as he didn't become a Young Kutchipatchi. I guess he's not in the Patchi Family, then. Oh well. He was cute, anyway. Now I'm hoping he'll become a Togetchi. Or a Simasimatchi; both are adorable.

I was playing Po-Dia, and suddenly, he beeped. I looked, and a black skull was hovering above his head. I gave him medicine, but it took two doses. He was happy after he was cured. He even did a little dance; how nice! He was really hungry, though, so I fed him two meals. Nothing really exciting happened today, after that. He got mail, lots of it, and graduated from school.

After my sister's Tama evolved too - she's a cute Young Mimitchi - we tried to connect. And yet, they didn't. I got a little frustrated. Maybe Kira was antisocial? Or Kimmy, my sister's Tam'? If you've got any information on Connecting, please PM me. I'm new to this. Dx;

Right now, he's asleep. He fell asleep at seven fifty. I wonder if he'll evolve into a Adult tomorrow? I'm not sure of evolution dates. I guess we'll find out tomorrow, then?


Current Tama

Name: Cody (omg how original)

Gender: Male

Personality: Energetic, really hungry all the time.

Family: Not sure yet.

As expected, Kira evolved into a Togetchi. I was happy, and I danced around until my popcorn was done popping. A few days went by nothing really important; he got robbed three or four times. Poor thing. Then, two days ago, the matchmaker came. Yay! She brought Kira a pretty Ponytchi. Fireworks lit up the screen, and then, suddenly, it was back to normal. Kira looked like he had a huge crap beside him. I went to the Toilet icon, but then I noticed, that the black blob was a baby Tama! I laughed at myself. A baby boy. He was cute.

Last night, Kira passed on, leaving his baby alone. I named him Cody. He ate a lot, crapped a lot, but was really happy all the time. Then, a few hours ago, he evolved into a toddler! I'm not sure which one, though. I'll look up the name later. Right now, I think my sister is playing jump rope with him. I cant get his stats at the moment. Sorry. I'll update soon, though.


I'm sorry for no update in a while. Limited internet access. I'll update more often now.

