Touch screen or regular?


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
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Well, I am getting a new phone , and need to decide the type of phone to get. I am looking for easy texting, and easy access to the call option.

Here are the deals:

Option 1:

Touch screen phone, screen roughly 2 in by 5 in. Comes with free leather case and car charger. Must buy in store. But isn't it hard to text with a touch screen? (phone is free)

Option 2:

Phone with sliding keyboard, free, also free two day shipping ordered from website. Texting easier?

If you are not a good caretaker of electronics, and if you are new to phones, I suggest you buy a regular phone.

I mean touch screen phones is kinda ehwhh.. They seem to sensitive, if you ask me.

I have a Verizon Voyager. It has a touch screen and a keyboard. If you are going to be doing alot of texting, I don't reccommend the touch screen phone. It might look cooler, but It's not easier to use.

I'd go for the normal.

Sureee, it'd be cool to have a phone which you can 'touch' [ sheesh that sounds wrong xD ], but yeah, I think the normal would be more practical and easier to take care of.

Only my opinion though..

It depends.

Touch keyboards are more difficult for me, but I don't have excellent hand-eye coordination. If you go to one of those stores where you get to try everything out you'll know which one you suit best.

i think regular is better cause touch screens come with things that i don't really need, like the internet option. sure, it's harder to surf the internet on a regular phone, but that's what computers are for.

Either. I can see pros and cons for both.

Do your cellphone stores have the working phones you can try out?

The ones here do, iPhone is easy for me, but a keypad is still easier.

I have a touch screen and its easy to type for me. Mine has a pen though. I prefer my tough screen though. But I guess it depends on you.

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