Train V.5s


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tama fan v5

New member
Feb 9, 2008
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when yor tamas are all standing on the ground put toilet and one of your tamas will go to the bathroom ;) B) :furawatchi:

if you put them on the toilet enough, they will learn to go themsleves! Trust me, I've done it.

LOL that is soo cool I want to train mine to make messes in the toilet lol! But ya, when they are children they go on a little ducky.

if you put them on the toilet enough, they will learn to go themsleves! Trust me, I've done it.
I'm sorry, but this is not correct. ;)

No matter how many times you manage to get them onto the toilet before they make a mess on the floor, they will never been trained to use the toilet themselves. It will always be your responsibility to either notice that they are about to go and choose the toilet icon for them, or they will make a mess on the floor.

Unfortunately the rumour that you can make them learn to use the toilet themselves, is one that has been around since the V1 was launched a few years ago.

The rumour has been tested and tested and has always been disproved.

if you put them on the toilet enough, they will learn to go themsleves! Trust me, I've done it.
I would have to see a video of that before I would believe it.

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