Training on the Version 4


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Apr 9, 2005
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I'm not sure this is the right section of the forum, but I thought I'd give it a try since I can't find it anywhere else. :lol:

On the V5, the Tamagotchi(s) "ask" for training at the same times each day, on the even hours 10AM, 12 PM, 2 PM, etc. I was wondering if the V4 is the same way, and if the training is at set times, what times does this happen?

I hope this is the case, because otherwise I'll have to pay a lot more attention to the little guy! Hehe.

:p Thanks in advance! :wacko: =)

You can't train version 4's as they do not have a bonding percent meter.

However you can discipline them, but I don't know what time's that comes, I think it is random.

Normally for these reasons you need to praise or discipline:



Lack of attention

The V4 does call for training, but not like the V5 does. It doesn't have a bonding percentage and there are no training selections. It does, however, call for a different type of training. If it beeps for attention and it's hungry and happy hearts aren't full, you give it a time-out. If it's crying or turns it's back on you, give it praise.

It's totally random, at least that's what I think.

Yeah, I know it's not the same type of training as the V5, I was just wondering if it was on a schedule..Hehe. I'm just busy and can't really be monitoring my Tamagotchi every second, so it would be helpful to know when the training/discipline opportunities would come up.

Oh well, I'll just make sure the sound is on and try to do the best I can! Hehe.

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