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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
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Mom and I have 2,000 dollars or so to blow, we want to go somewhere that doesn't suck. We need suggestions, and where better to get suggestions than from my friends?

Somewhere warm, preferably where people speak either English, Spanish or Italian, but we're open to other things as well. Water is good, oceans, wildlife, with lots of scenic pretty things you don't see in Minnesota. Mountains are cool too.

Anyway, I've got three questions:

- Where should we go?

- What kind of things do those places have?

- Where have you traveled? Did you enjoy it? What did you like the most?

. . . Okay, I know that's five. But anyway.


How about..

England, Spain or Italy?

Sorry. Braindead.

But yeah. You could try the sunnier parts of Europe. I've been to Switzerland, it has amazing mountains, and awesome weather changes. ;D It was boiling hot most of the day, but then there was a storm round about three or four everyday. O: And I went to this one lake to go rowing, and it was amazing. The water was actually seriously crystal blue, like I can't explain it, it was so blue, and there was this big purpley mountain next to it, and really green grass everywhere and it was just beautiful.

I think South America has a lot of Spanish-speaking countries.

I'm really sorry if this was no help. D: Completely forgotten everything I learnt in Geography. x3

I've been to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. ... It was warm. xD

Italy is nice, and it's in your language range. Pricewise, you'd have to research that on your own because I have no clue. I suppose I'm biased because I'm almost 100% Italian and I've always wanted to visit Italy. :)

I'm a big fan of Panama City Beach, in Florida. It's got a lot of city and busy life, but the beaches are beautiful!

Or maybe somewhere like Puerto Rico.

I would also want to check the current events of the country, because you DON'T want to end up somewhere unsafe.

A group of people my sister knew went to Mexico when they were having drug lord/ kidnapping craziness. Everyone back home was worried for them.

Peru is hot, it has mountains, they speak English and Spanish.. it's really beautiful. My mom went hiking there with her friends last year, it has great scenery.. I would defintiely want to go there ^_^ idk what it would cost, depends on what you do.

edit- Other good places IMO would be California, Florida, Spain, Greece, Hawaii.. :D

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Becca, visit Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

It's cold, we have rivers, and wild life, and skylar, and mountains, and civil war museums.

And you can find a cheap Bed and Breakfast. or my house

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XD I'll definitely come and visit you sometime Sky!

But right now I want warm D:

Minnesota is so cold </3

Everything sounds so fantastic, I don't know which to pick DDD:

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Ok I have only ever been to Thailand. I loved it. We are going back there in about 3 weeks time.

I suggest Phuket, because all the stuff you can buy there is cheap, it's got a warm climate, (but if it rains it gets sticky. It's still awesome. On hot hot days, you could spend the whole day lounging around the pool) and it's soo beautiful. We stayed two week.s The people have general English, but with a strong Thai accent. They are quite easy to understand. I had $300 the last time we went and that changes into about 8,000 Baht (Thai currency). If you do want to go there, I suggest staying at the Patong Merlin Hotel or The Holiday Inn. We stayed at the Patong Merlin and they have three pools, a massive breakfast buffet and they are right across from the Otop markets. Tourist stuff includes FantaSea (absolutely beautiful cultural Thai stageshow), Elephant trekking (a real laugh, especially when the elephants stop for a pee!) the temples and shrines, Phuket Zoo, and other places. If you do go to DinoGolf (which is fun) go at night, it's much much cooler (temp wise). If you want more info, just PM me and I'll send you a nice long message back.

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Australia's pretty :D

But that's where I live .. I:

No but seriously. Places like Sydney, Brisbane, etc, are actually really pretty. Queensland would be a good choice, since they have the Great Barrier Reef where you can go snorkelling, and it's a really nice place from what I've heard. Sydney sounds awesome too.

I've been to Russia and New Zealand.

Russia .. it's not that great to be honest. + they don't speak English soooo.

New Zealand's just gorgeous. I'd recommend it to anybody.

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I live In Australia. I live in Perth. Perth is amazing, but Phuket is great. Seriously, suggest Phuket to your mum. She might like the idea. Its pronounced Poo-ket in case you were wondering. Perth has an awesome city at nighttime, we have heaps of beautiful beaches, oh and the rivers are great too. We have an awesome chocolate factory in Midland, and Albany is awesome too. Once again, PM if you want more info!


just kidding. The only interesting thing here is me. Just kidding, just kidding.

But if you want to stay inside the US, go to Cali. Take my word for it -- IT'S GORGEOUS. I miss living there.

Go to LA.

San Fransisco.

San Diego.

Anaheim. (DISNEYLAND<3)

You want warmth? Don't come to Britain.

I would say something like Mallorca or Ibiza. They're pretty warm, and there lots to do. I've been to Mallorca about 5 times, loved it.. Or maybe Tunisia, the desert is actually quite pretty, from what I can remember (I was 3 when I went there xD) Plus, you can ride a camel!

You know what? If you're limited to staying in the US, why not road trip? You get to go to a lot of different places, and make some amazing memories! =D

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