Trouble with boys in my school,


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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I have a problem with boys in my class.Alot of them make fun of me because of the reasons followed : I'm like one of the only girls who have "developed" yet , they think im emo, i aviod people when im mad,im clumsy,and i am the only one in my class who gets bad breakouts.Here are examples for each problem

im like the only one in my class who has "developed";

Boy:makes some rude comment about bewbs

Me: *suprised look on face* omg you idiot or in other cases *blushes and runs away*

They think im emo;

Me: *really tired look on face and not talking to anyone*

Boy:eek:mg your emo today? *yells to all other boys* ____(my name) is emo today!!

Me;im just tired

Boy: sure....

i aviod people when im mad;

Boy:why are you avioding people?or are people avioding you

Me: *runs out of room* (im really sensitive so i either cry or just feel really upset)

im clumsy;

Me: *walks by desk and make water bottle fall and spill because it was on the edge of desk*

Boys:*make fun of me rest of day* omg you made it spill ur so dumb

i get bad breakouts:

Me:*covering my latest breakout*

Boys:eek:mg she has a whole bunch of acne *points*

do boys ever do this to you and do you know how to deal with it? pplease help me!!!

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Please help as soon as you can!!!! I'm going back to school very soon and i need to know how to handle it or atleast why they do it!!! HELP!!!

What you wrote was kinda like my life story ^_^

Well, some guys do this just to bug you. Or they like you and want your attention, whether it is positive attention or negative. Especially @ the "bewbs" part.

You may hear this a lot but, you should just ignore them. Or talk to some of the "nicer" ones (If there are "nice" ones) and tell them how you feel. If they really are nice, then they might tell the others to stop. What they are doing to you is actually bullying. If it gets out of control, tell a trusted adult (Like a teacher for example) or your parents. They really can help you. One thing you should not do- sink to their level. If you start making fun of them, they will tease you back, possibly meaner this time. Or they could tell a teacher and you would be the one in trouble.

I hope this helps!!

Omg I am so clumsy...same thing with me with the water bottle. I knocked it over on a mean girl's desk and she almost murdered me. ^_^

Oh yeah, and my friend's school computer account is called emo15 because the first letter in her name is E and her last name is Mo. the boys make fun of her calling her emo when she's NOT EMO AT ALL!

Try making up some good comebacks so they won't take you as a wimp, but if that's too complicated, then just do this: The next time the boys make fun of you, don't do anything except what you were just doing. Pretend they weren't there. They will soon get bored of you and stop.

Yea this boy called me the b word once and I beat him up and I pushed him into the lockers every time I saw him he was like

" He-"

Me: * pushes him against locker and goes to class *

It's been that way since he said that to me XD no one calls me that then he called my friend one and I kicked him in his privets and pushed him really hard into a locker. And then he touched my but and I beat him up really bad and said " HOW DARE YOU YOU DIRTY ROTTEN PIECE OF ( censored ) and I kicked him while he was on the floor crying and went to class and all my friends were like


Yea I'm mean if your mean to me.


Bullies need Power called victims, and if they don't have acess to the power, they die off.


And for you being "Developed".... Remember that girl mature at different times, you never know, maybe somebody matured before you!


About your acne, if you tried all solutions, try concealer. It can be in a mousse or clay form and it covers belmishes, try that!

If you have sensitive skin, consult your dermatologist or your doctor, sometimes using the wrong things can give you MORE acne.(And yes, I know because I once used my sister's cetaphil. The results? More acne! D: )

I use Clean and Clear Morning burst. It works wonders for me.. But it could be different for you.


Also, if they(Those Boys) are being sexiest( A gender against another gender) or if they are sexually harassing you, tell a adult or a trusted teacher. (Also... Are they saying something about your breast? Ex: Wow, [insert name here]'s chest area is so small!" ]


If they say your emo, brush it off! =)

And for you being clumsy: Everybody is! Sometimes, when I have band lesson, I may not screw the cap on my slide oil... ;D Being clumsy is a part of life..


Hope i helped,



PS:Not all boys are gross or mean. One day, (I don't know your grade, but i'm going into 7th) boys won't always be the mean ones, Girls will too... x__x

The best way to deal wiht teasing is to ignore it and see if they stop. If they don't stop, then you should tell an adult.

Good luck! ^-^

I'd talk to your parents or to a guidance councelor at your school for help. I have this problem but I get around them by rolling my eyes then walking away. sure they laugh but they stop when i turn around and glare. i won't really hurt them, but it works.

guys i just want to tell you i have ignored it it doesnt work!And i dont want to get adults mixed up in this! i have tried getting them to shut up before and if i ignore them when they call me emo or if i walk away they just say"are you going to cry??" in a sarcastic voice or they just keep bugging me

Well, the boys in my school call me ugly and they call me a nerd. But, I learn to ignore them. However, if your problems get really bad with these kids, you should just tell a teacher on them. They'll get in trouble, and then hopefully you won't have to deal with them anymore.

guys i just want to tell you i have ignored it it doesnt work!And i dont want to get adults mixed up in this! i have tried getting them to shut up before and if i ignore them when they call me emo or if i walk away they just say"are you going to cry??" in a sarcastic voice or they just keep bugging me
[SIZE=14pt]You may not want adults to be in your little "Fight" but it WILL WORK if you consult a adult..(Hey that rhymed!).. [/SIZE]


Try to be in a bigger group than them. By that, I mean grab a group of friends, both boys AND girls. If your "Pack/group" is larger, they will have lots of people to go through before telling you that your emo.... Your friends will stick up for you, you know.


Here are some "Wiki--hows"....

How to: Deal With Bullies

How To:Avoid Bullies

How To: Make bullies leave you alone

guys i just want to tell you i have ignored it it doesnt work!And i dont want to get adults mixed up in this! i have tried getting them to shut up before and if i ignore them when they call me emo or if i walk away they just say"are you going to cry??" in a sarcastic voice or they just keep bugging me
Then tell an adult. You may not want to, but it's the best way to get yourself out of this since the ignoring doesn't work.

Boys do the same thing to me except it's worse then your's a tiny-bit different though.


I just ignore them, then again I'm not a good example.

Tell your teacher if it gets worse. It will help, trust me. :]]

that has happened to me before. try to stay away with them (FARTHER THAN FIFTY FEET) or hang around friends that you know wont make fun of you. Boys are less likely to make fun of people when in groups. If it continues, please tell an adult. what they are doing to you is (emotional) sexual abuse and this is very serious. PLEASE FOR THE BENIFIT OF YOU!!!

Ugh. Boys are stupid. They find empowerment making fun of girls. I don't usually talk, therefore, I get teased a lot. They usually make fun of me in front of their little buddies to make them laugh.

The more aggressive you get, the more fueled they feel, and the more teases that come out from him, and even his friends.

So, tell your parents or a teacher to tell them to shut up, 'cause that's what I do.

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