Trouble with infrared/bluetooth PDA


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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2012
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:) In the middle of England (:
Okay so I ordered a Pocket PC last week - the HP iPAQ hx2110.

I was so excited to see it in the mail today.

Everything looked awesome, the few games were really simple yet entertaining, and I liked how it had "Pocket Word" and "Pocket Excel".

I only bought it for £1 plus shipping. The reason I bought it was the fact that it had an irDA port that I wanted to use for my ID Ls. Cause you know, playing two games and buying out the shops can get pretty tiresome.

First hoop I had to jump through was getting the iD L Download Collection onto my device. The PDA is ten years old, pfft, so it doesn't have built-in WiFi. It had Bluetooth, though, so I tried to connect it to my Mom's Kindle Fire.

Now I don't get Bluetooth. You pair your devices, so what? In most cases you can't even send a file to your paired device until you get into a frustrated rage and throw your mobile across the room. Then the bleep of the "file sent" sounds and you don't even know how it happened.

Well anyway. I downloaded an app for the kindle which allowed me to "share" files via Bluetooth. So on my Pocket PC thing I clicked on Bluetooth and selected the option to "Explore and view files on paired device", clicked on the Mom's Kindle shortcut and voila, I was inside my Mom's files.

Fun! I'd already downloaded the downloads on my mom's file, so with a few clicks I downloaded some games onto my PDA.

After that I quickly fetched my iD L and excitedly connected it to my PDA.

So far so good, I simply sent the jpg file via Windows' "Beam" technology, and it recognised "TMGC" straight away.

The device said "pending" for quite some time, and although my tamagotchi's heart icons were red, the connection seemed to be on some sort of timer? and showed the blue fail icons.

So I tried again. This time my PDA said "Tap to send" and then "Sending 1/1".

My tamagotchi's red hearts looked hopeful, but just as my PDA told me that it had "Sent", the tamagotchi's hearts went the grey-y blue fail again.

But that wasn't the last of my problems. Oh no. That wasn't the Final Problem. Sherlock ♥

Bluetooth then decided to play up. I got this message on my screen when I tried to view my mom's files again:

An error occurred while attempting Service Discovery. Make sure the device you are connected to is switched on and discoverable...

Well duh, Mom's kindle hadn't changed since I'd left it.

Tried again.

No luck.

Tried again.

No luck.

In a rage I hard-resetted it, didn't I?

Deleted all my iD L jpgs, and I had to set it up again.

So I tried to connect it to Mom's kindle, thinking that the restore would solve the problem.

But no. No luck. "An error occurred..."

I need some expert at bluetooth or just someone who wants to help or has experience with this kind of thing... Now every bluetooth device I try to connect with fails and I get the above error message. Whaaaaat? Is the IR connected? Have I just purchased a dud connectionless PDA?

Obviously it only cost me a small amount, but I was quite upset when I found that the sole purpose of buying this thing was now like null and void.

But anyway. Please tryyy to advise me!

And together we can join

The Quest for the Tamagotchi Downloads!

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I have one. You can have a sigh of relief.

You need to have the card in a card reader to send the files. Unless of corse, your computer is lucky enough to reconize it as a usb storage/mass storage. Mine doesn't. So I have to use a card reader to place the files onto the card. Then place it in and go to the beam section and hold it down and send. (given things are converted right, you should know almost instantly on your tamagotchi)

The bluetooth will likely not work because it is older verse newer bluetooth stuff. So, a computer/laptop or some sort of fancy connection needs to be made. That, I would not be able to help you with.

Hmmm, I've somehow managed to get the bluetooth to work again... I've transferred about twenty games/wallpapers/toys to my iPAQ, but now I'm having trouble beaming them to my tama again D:

Why do I get the feeling I'm doing something wrong?! Again, every time I try to beam a file, the ipaq says "TMGC", "Pending", "Sending 1/1" and either "Sent" or "Failed".

It looks like my tamagotchi recognises the IR because of its red hearts, but every time a file "sends", the heart connection either stays the same or fails :(

Any ideas?

Is my file being corrupt as it is being set wirelessly through bluetooth? Does the bluetooth somehow restore any embedded code or whatever it is that allows the iD L to read and display the files?

Thank youuu

Humms. I had trouble at first too. I found I converted them wrong. (pictures) then they weren't 24 bit (I think) Once I figured that out and the tamas were too close/far, they were easy to beam stuff to. It maybe outta space too. There is a limit of items which I am drawing a blank on rightnow... (tamas)

I don't believe bluetooth does, just think of it as a bridge. I rarely use bluetooth since we have so much of it running at one time.

If you want download games, the total is 4. The normal and two you choose. It sometimes takes a bit to get everything communicating nicely. My ipaq resets itself when it looses the charge so, hopefully you don't need to do the one thing everytimes, gets old. Lol.

Just out of interest, what OS does your ipaq run on? I have Windows Mobile 2003, and I'm wondering whether I should upgrade/update the ROM or something...

I'm going to keep trying with the beaming anyhow. I found that if you save the files in the ipaq file store, they stay there even when your device hibernates, which is useful...

Do you know how I can find out if my files are 24 bit? Would I have to do this on my computer or just via the ipaq? Thanks for your help so far!

Computer. I think they are the famous 24 colors in regular ms paint. Did you use Binary's conversion thing for wallpaers/items/whatever? I haven't kept up with the most recent but it should be around too. Then the size of the items for veiwing. Making sure they are the correct .dot file too.

Psshht. No idea what it runs on. If I were to "update" it it would not stay there anyway for me. I have the ipaq pocket pc. 2002? One of the first ones in color. If you update it, good luck finding stuff. Most of the search will probably be mixed in with the iphone/ipod/ipad etc stuff...

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Could I maybe have a link to binary's conversion program? That seems hopeful!

The downloads should be in .jpg format, right? I tried opening the file with Paint and converting it to 24 colour bitmap... To no avail XD

I looked into the upgrade a bit more and found out that you need a USB cable for it *sigh*, I don't have one :( Still, I will keep persevering!!


I have a usb... How are you using it without the charge? Or do you have a dock? Or did it somehow have a charge or ... What? I am not sure where they'd be since I haven't done anything since my idl/15th. You should be able to find it using google. But they do need to be converted, that is probably the part you are having issues with. As I said, I haven't added downloads/ Bnary's converter in a rather longtime, mine is out of date.

(The idl one was idlmake (numbers) for the version. )


Omigosh omigosh omigosh I am so so happy right now! Thank you so much, if you hadn't mentioned about converting the files I never would have checked!

And yeees, I have some sort of charger/adapter that I plug in the wall... I'm not actually sure XD I tried to get a USB but they were apparently hard to get hold of.... :/

But anyway -

It turns out the images I downloaded via tama-zone's .zip only contained the jpegs instead of the actual embed inside... Or something technical like that. I was trying to send a jpeg-only file XD

So I downloaded the files directly from and used Bluetooth again, and oh gosh, it finally worked!

Never thought I'd get to the end of it!

Ahhh I guess this topic can finally close :)


And for anyone out there wondering whether to purchase an ipaq, go ahead! I think they have more features than a mobile and are cheaper... And the infrared DOES work, pfft!


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Oh good. You do have a plug. I had a feeling you didn't convert it. Otherwise it is pretty straight forward on the ipaq.

I'll close it for ya. XD.

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