True Love..!


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Active member
Oct 10, 2007
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Hi, i' m Tamingdom. This is a log about me and my first V4' s. V4.5 Is not out in Australia yet so i have v4' s!

Here is some information about us all and a key to what me and my Tamas will be talking in.



Gender: Male



Name: Keza

Age: 3

Gen: 1

Gender: Female

Weight: 39lbs

Stage: Adult

Race:Tamagotchi/ Pukatchi


Message: Hi everyone, tomorrow i will apply for my first job! and so will Dhole!

Name: Dhole

Age: 3

Gen: 1

Gender: Male

Weight: 46lbs

Stage: Adult

Race:Tamagotchi/ Tarakotchi


Message: Yo, i just skinned myself when mom let my ride my skateboard, next time ill use my egg-head to think before i do the again!!

So i think you get the drift of whatup with me and my tamas, and yes they will get there first jobs tomorrow! they are so happy.

Well i dont know about you Dhole, You little ADD, but i sure am! i want to be a.... hmm.... Doctor!

Well yes i am, its fully sick! i want to be a teacher. so i better calm down for tomorrow..

So.... Theyve now gone to sleep... ill say bye to you for them... By:::...

MUM! Were still both awake, we wanted to say bye ourselves! BYE, CYA!

While there asleep ill talk normal they are real cheeky sometimes, anyways so far they have been making real good friends of eachother and ill update tomorrow. Bye everyone!


Green: Tamingdom

Red: Keza

Blue: Dhole

Orange: Dhole & Keza

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They' re still asleep, but i have to go to school so i have to set the time back 6 hours... when i get home i' m sure they will want to talk to everyone though. :D

Hey everyone i' m back from school, today, when i got out from recess, they had been very good, they amazingly too-

I want to tell them!

Go on then...

well first me and D' were in dads bag at school... and suddenly i head D's noise go off! i yelled out to dad and i head him say to his teacher..... May i please go to the toilet sir? and he goes Only if your gonna wet ya' self! and daddy said Too late! and rushed out the door picked us up and he turned D's and my sound off, dad then look and say that d had Mail! but he knew it wasnt a job.... so then rest of the day i was minding my own buissness then we get home... and i wanted to tell everyone abo- hey everyone just poppin in! i didnt wana miss out talking to yall... just gunna say im on my board and im not getting off too long... alright im back on C[SIZE=8pt]ya...[/SIZE]

anyway... about our day... mums gunna take D and me to tamatown because she wants to find me some clothes and i wanted more money.. mum is really disapointed we havnt got our jobs yet... but we will soon.... BFNNFE (Bye for now not for ever ;) )

Well that concludes our day.... i hope they get there jobs later..

~Taming, Kez, D~

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Well they had half of there wish, they got married today! but they didnt get there jobs Were all soo sad...... ( i want they baby names to be may and joan) looks like all four of them want to talk! (orange is all of them)

Keza = Hey everyone i had two *drumroll* baby girls today! i gave one to D' cuz he helped....

Keza & Dhole = we have decided dad! we want our baby' s names to be, Chelo & lizi...


No ifs buts or maybes! D' s will be Lizi and mine will be Chel-....


Green= Me

Red= Keza

Blue = Dhole

orange = keza and dhole

purple = babys (chelo and lizi)

grey= me keza dhole

Uwaloc waah goaga Muma! MUMA! Dada! we wil se yu i tamtow sone oki? we lov yu bie!

aww how cute!

good night guys

now they have gone to sleep.. im dissapointed they didnt get a job but oh well..... ill make sure may and jo---....i mean chelo and lizi do.... they cant marry eachother... unnless........ anyways... so i have to give them the matchmaker... but im thinking too far ahead.... bye everyone! You can post if you want, i dont mind


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New key:




Since chelo and maya cant talk yet.... ill tell them about the day ^^, well first i set the alarm at 11:300 to say D and kez leave... it was really sad.... then i went back to sleep...... so now i have two little babys to take care of, we went to tamatown and visited them they LOVED that... updates tonight okiz? Bye!

Great log so far!And shilo my tama and her baby are just about to part because I changed the time to it comes *DRUM ROLL PLZ*...Mumma shilo is still here anyways worth the try.Back to you.I love your tamas!Cya I'll comment again soon bye!

Ze and Jake and Shilo and Layka (shilos baby girl) and Angle and Abbey aka all my tamas too

Thanks but im on holidays for the month so i wont be posting for a while... i put them on pause and left them at home... because i wanted to have a relaxed time, not a time when i rush around caring for them every second =p Thanks for the reply!

Hi, i am back from vacation.. and i thaught it was time to update... they have just turned into teenagers! young mimitchi and young memetchi!

:) :D

i think Chelo and Maya (changed lizi to Maya) want to speak!

Hiya eveyone this is Chelo we have been very good, today Dad got us to the end of mimic! it was really fun.. but it was bad being paused for a while, but were ok now!

HEY IM MAYA i just love being a Young Memetchi, i hope i turn into a memetchi! Dad has taken great care of us! see you soon everyone!

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