Tsunami Warning


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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2006
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Brisbane, Australia
Here's some links to information.

Yahoo News


Nine MSN.

This is from the Nine MSN website.

"As the tsunami threat to Australia's east coast eases, reports of serious damage from a big wave are emerging in the western provinces of the Solomon Islands."

Hope that gives you enough information and I hope you are OK if you're in the Solomon Islands.

Beaches in Sydney closed down and a school also in Sydney was evactuated.

I'm really scared because you never know when they might be wrong o_O

But I'm sure we'll be OK. And I'll try and post more updates today :eek:


18 People are believed to be dead.

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Ooh... I live in the U.S., but I'm still worried. I hope everyone will be okay! I remember the Tsunami in Sri Lanka. That was horrible! I hope nothing like that happens again, but with the way we are with Global Warming, there could be floods or something... Ugh! I don't want to think about it!

I hope everyone is safe and harm-free! :eek: Good luck!


And so close to Easter.

8 people died in the Solomon Islands.

It says Australia will be safe but you never know when you'll look out a window and see a 50 ft wall of water.

Thanks tamakitty710.

No.Thanks to Summer, who told us this news! Everyone in Australia and Solomon Islands...

Run for your freaking lives!

Be prepared!

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