Tupu's V4 Log!


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Active member
Dec 20, 2006
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Hi, so far on my V4 I am up to my 2nd generation. (Not very far, I know but hey!)

My 1st generation was a Mimitchi called Annie! She was sooo cute, I loved her sooo much! (She was my first ever Mimitchi! I know its pretty sad, considering that I have had Tamagotchi's since the V1 connection came out :D ) :lol:

Now I'm up to my second gen. Bessy is a Maidtchi. I think that's how you spell it, this is the first time I've got this character aswell.

Okay, thats all for now, and feel free to comment on in this log if you wish!

Oh, no comments yet. :eek: Oh well, it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, on with the log.

Bessy now has a lovely little girl by her side (three girls in row, I'm starting a record), and I can't wait for her to grow up. I'm thinking of calling her Candy, cos that names is really cute! <_< Anyway, that's all for now, I might go to tama town now!

Remember, please comment! B)

Hi everyone!!

Last night Bessy left, so Candy is my new tama!! She is a Harutchi at the moment, which look really cute in the cartoon version. :p All my tama's so far have been Harutchi as the child!! And they have all been part of the Mame familt too as an adult.

Anyway, I want Candy to evolve into the Mame Social points girl character, I need to look a the character chart and see what that is. :D I have had the Intelligence one (Mimitchi) the arts one (Maidtchi), so I would like the social one this time.

Anyway, better go. Cya!! :lol:

Ooh. Congrats on Candy. Did the matchmaker come both times or did your pets find someone special?

woo keep up the log its interresting.............................ummmmmmm my tamas beeping :(

OMG!!!! Replies!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, that is seriously sad, but hey, I've tried making logs before, and people have neva commented :(

To Gotchi<3 thank you very much for taking the time to comment, and no sadly, none of my tamas yet have found someone special, they have all had love through the matchmaker service.

To luvmytamas, thank you also very much for replying too, and for the nice comment aswell! Anyway, onto the tamas!!

Dear Candy grew into a Young Mimitchi (just like her mummy!), she then evolved in to a Marotchi!!! That was exactly the character I wanted! (So Proud!!) Anyway, the matchmaker came to Candy and she had (wait for it) A BOY!!!!!!!!!!

I was soooo thrilled, that little baby boy looked so cute (not that girls don't, it was just a refreshing change), anyway, this morning when I woke up, it had the BOY at the bottom of the screen, and my dear bubba crying, but I had to leave it for school (thats were I am now). Anyway, I'm thinking of calling him Dobby? If not maybe Danny? Better go now, this post is seriously long, Bye!!

wow! I will add this log to my faves! Please check mine out.. But no comments please. xD

Thanks Polka-dotted, I really appreciate you commenting (I can't believe I'm one of your fav logs!!! So excited!! :p ) I will check out your log after this post (but why no comments?)

Anyway, Dobby has grown up in to a cute Puchitchi (a change from Harutchi). I am hoping he will evolve into a Young Mametchi or Young Androtchi today, as I am aiming for a Mametchi, (and then maybe Tensaitchi!! :eek: ), but being a Puchitchi, it might evolve into a Meme teen, but I won't fuss to much, I will love Dobby whatever he evolves into!! :D

Anyway, better go!!

P.S Keep the comments coming!! :lol:

i absolutly lov your log im traking this topic please cheack out mine its called my v4 log and the discrition said ma llllooooooooggggg please xheak it out i love your tho

Yay, more comments!! I feel special now! :D :D

To Polka-dotted, your log is really cool too!! Me like a lot :D .

To Jaida007, thanks so much for your comment, it was really nice :D . I wil read your log soon!

Anyway, Dobby is now a teen, but he is a Meme teen. He looks a bit like a mummy, wrapped up in bandages, can't think of the name, I think it starts with Gou, or something.

Ohhh, the robber just came, pooh!! I hate the robber. I used to press the reset button, but I went horribly wrong once :p . Instead of selecting download, I did reset without thinking, and I lost a lovely tama, and a child. I nearly cried, I was really upset and annoyed :D :D :D .

Anyway, better go, brother's pestering me to get of the computer.

Hi! Yes Polka-dotted, they died (or got deleted). I was so upset and angry with myself for being so stupid! :p :huh: . It wasn't just an adult, there was a baby aswell.

I still feel sad now. :huh:

Anyway, I checked the charts, Dobby is a Gourmetchi!!! I thought it started with a Gou!!

Not much else to report today, but I think Dobby will evolve tomorrow (hopefully).

Bye now!

Hi again!! I haven't written in here for ages have I? :huh: Anyway, I better tell you what Dobby evolved into.....a Tosakatchi!!!! I reckon they look really cute close up. Their head is sort of like a roosters comb (the red bit of skin on their heads :huh: )

Anyway, no new comments people, come on I'm gettung lonely again!! :huh:

Bye 4 now!!!!

Hi everyone. Nothing really has happened since my last post, Dobby is still a Tosakatchi, and the matchmaker HAS NOT come yet :( (not that I want Dobby to leave, it's just nice to know what gender your tama is going to be, so I can think of names).

Anyway, I better go now, and don't forget to comment please, I'm still feeling lonely :( :( :p


Yea write more write more!

This is soooo interesting i luv it!

I have a V4 && a V3 I also have a log the Title is My log<3 && the description says Lyfe of my tamagotchi's plz check it out && leave a comment.

well i will come back to read more

Hi everyone, it has been soooooooooooooooooooooooooo long since I have updated this log, I'm soo sorry. :furawatchi: :( . I got a bit tired of tamas to be honest, but I'm interested again :D :D !!! Anyway, Dobby had a little boy, called Elmo, who has evolved exactly like his dad!! He was a little babe of course, then a Puchitchi, and now a Gourmentchi. I hope he will evolve soon, as it feels he's been a Gourmetchi for a year!! Anyway, I have also started my old V1 aswell! His name is Andy, and he was a baby, then a Marutchi, then and Ichigotchi (gotta love that name :p ). He is now a Gozartchi (I think that's it). I also started up my Mini Tama, which is a Marutchi. Anyway, I better go!! Thanks for the comment TxPrincess12!! I will read your log after this post!!

Bye! :)

Hello! Sorry again, I haven't written in here for a long time. But I have a reason this time! I went on a holiday!! It was really good too (but that's what we're here to read). Okay, Elmo has now evolved into an adorable Debatchi. I remember the first time I got a Debatchi, lets just say I wasn't exactly pleased, but now I think they're really cute!! Okay, that's all I really have to write for now. I paused my V1 and Mini for now, but I might unpause them soon, I don't know??

Okay, bye then!

Cool log!!! I hope you had a fun holiday! Good Luck with your Tamas...you can also check out my blog...I dont know how to post links but...it is called

.:.MyTamaEatsOreoz Blog.:.

Talk to ya soon! Bye!!

~Sam~ :wacko: :D :lol: ;)


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