Twilight (Tama Version) Part 1


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Oct 3, 2008
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Pale Bella the Violetchi was leaving her beautifully sunny hometown of Violetchi Vale and was leaving to a rainy town called Mame Town. :furawatchi: 's dad lived there, and her mom :) was married to someone else. Not that :furawatchi: didn't want to be there, but her mom's new husband, Phil :lol: made her happier. When Bella arrived at Mame Town, her father :wacko: was waiting for her. He was the chief of Mame Town in the Police Dept. As a homecoming gift, he gave her a pickup truck. She drove the pickup truck to her high school. Then... she saw the Cullens. Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett (ordered in same way below)

:mametchi: :chohimetchi: :nyatchi: :gozarutchi: :mimitchi:

Edward was unbelievably gorgeous, and as she went to Biology, she realized: she sat right next to him! But Edward just stared at her.


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