Twilight Vs. Harry Potter


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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Melbourne, Australia
The title says all.

Twilight or Harry Potter, which is better?

I know they are completely different books, but WHO CARES! They're both bestsellers, right?

Anyway, I want to know your opinion,

Here's mine:

Harry Potter is...AWESOME!

Twilight is...boring (I read the first book, not to my liking)

And can you tell me why you you think one series of books are better than others, please?

And please be nice to each other...XD

P.S Saga (Of Twilight Saga) is a word meaning 'a series of books that are so long that you want to chew your own head off'

Both are terrible. I watched Harry Potter when I was in second grade and I hated it. Then, in fourth grade, I read half of it before my mom decided it was "unsuitable for my age" and took it away. I also once read Twilight in ffith grade but it was like SUPER boring.

Do I even have to say anything? Really?

... If you must know my opinion (because you can't see the obvious :3) - MLIA. That should explain my opinion if you know what it means~

I use to be scared to watch Harry Potter when I was younger and would run out of the room when they played it a my after school care but now I've read some of the Harry Potter series and seen the movies, I love them.

Twilight on the other hand, never read, never watched the movies...well watched a few scenes from the person in front of me on a plane but it seems boring and plain to me, a few of my friends have also read Twilight and said it's boring, so I stick by their word plus it's not really my type of movie/book.

Also, as someone on DBPB said, Dear Stephenie Meyers, They will always be Cedric Diggory and Shark Boy to me. Sincerely, anonymous. I completely agree with this.

I guess it depends on what you like. I have read all of both series, and liked them both the same. And I've seen all of the movies they've made for each so far (except Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 1) and liked both the same again. You know, it took me a week and a half the read the whole Twilight Saga.

Harry Potter all the way.

I read all the books and watched all the movies [excluding Deathly Hallows Part 2 because it hasn't hit the movie theatres yet].

I even have a Slytherin scarf and a Gryffindor scarf from when I went to a Harry Potter Exhibition [featuring actual props and clothes from the movies!].

I've read all the books from each series and seen all the movies. To be honest, I think Harry Potter just dominates. The overall meaning in HP is love conquers all. The meaning in Twilight is... vampires make awesome boyfriends? And the movies... Harry Potter hands down for better acting and better special effects.

Both are awesome.

I prefer Harry Potter, JK Rowling created a whole new world there. It REALLY gets you inspired - seeing all kinds of magic.

I'm not hating - but Bella Swan... Bella means beautiful in Italian.. Beautiful Swan? Really? I haven't seen any flaws to Bella either. I smell a Sue here. I have not seen her smile with happy eyes either.

I've read all the books from each series and seen all the movies. To be honest, I think Harry Potter just dominates. The overall meaning in HP is love conquers all. The meaning in Twilight is... vampires make awesome boyfriends? And the movies... Harry Potter hands down for better acting and better special effects.
Yeah, HP's werewolves r WAY more convincing from what ive seen on Twilight trailers. And thats rubbish, cos HP has very few werewolves while i should imagine that Twilight has lots seein as the hole fings based around vampire/werewolf/human conflicts.

Harry Potter is way better to me.

I read half the books, then stoped for some stupid reason.

Wizards and witches interest me WAAAAAAAAYYYYY more than vampires.

I'm not into the whole thing.

I saw the first Twilight movie, and I'm not saying that hp isn't easy to make fun of, but Twilight is way easier to make fun of.

I will always and forver be Team Potter. J.K. Rowling created a magical world, somewhere that I always wished was real, and I always thought it had to be. It couldn't just exist on paper. Every little detail about the world, JKR had planned, and it was just too believable for it to not be real. She brings the world to life.

The books grow with the readers, and the characters do too. With every book, they get older, the develop, and that's one of the most amazing things about it. You see them grow before your eyes, and you start to know them. You understand why everyone acted why they did, and it makes the story even more believable.

Harry Potter is the childhood of millions of people, and it's affected so many of them. It has an amazing fanbase, of people who love the stories and the messages, not just the 'super hot' characters.

Twilight, I think, has no real depth or meaning. The biggest plots in the series have very little thought put into them, which is shown when major plotholes are revealed. The characters also have no depth, and you don't connect to them in a way that you need to, to bring the story alive. the messages of the story are quite scary, really. "You need a boyfriend." "If your boyfriend stops you seeing your friends, it's okay! It's bec#ause he loves you!" I'd take Harry Potter's messages against racism and about friendship, family and bravery overcoming evil.

That's why Twilight is lacking, for me, and it always will be. Twilight is a fad, Harry Potter is a classic.

(I hope I don't sound to crazy in this...)

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I love both but I prefer Harry

I kinda have some bound with harry

My friends all love him, we all read and watched the movie together.

We grown up together, like, I have almost his age.

Well, Twilight... it's more adultish.

But I still prefer Harry, that maybe show why I still wanna play tamagotchi.

Maybe I still act like a child lol ^_^

I've read them both, front to back, start to finish, the entire series.

The Twilight series was FAR better as books. The movies destroyed every part of it, but the books could have been way better, period.

The Harry Potter series is just.. beyond amazing. From the very first sentence, it had me gripping the whole story :)

HP > Twilight

Twilight has no real message directed to readers, while Harry Potter gives readers the message that good overpowers evil, friendship is important, and love conquers all.

Twilight is about how it's very important to have a boyfriend, and it doesn't matter if he's dangerous or bad for you.

Harry Potter is about being brave and having courage.

Twilight's characters aren't very respectable or likable at all: a girl who attempts suicide when her loved one leaves, a vampire who controls his girlfriend's life and walks out of her life, a werewolf who has anger issues and falls in love with his crush's daughter.

Harry Potter's characters are much more three-dimensional and likable: a boy who fights against evil since he's a baby, a boy who sticks by his friend for nearly their whole lives, a girl whose knowledge and common sense helps them in tough times.

Also, Twilight's fanbase is mostly composed of teenage girls/middle-aged women who have a disturbing obsession with Edward and Jacob and wish they were Bella.

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