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To all the people being harsh and telling pixieelf it is fake, how would she just make this up!?! She must have gotten the information from somebody or somewhere! Chill out! :)

O.K. I do not even get why people are still talking about this, it has been years since the rumour was started. On some tama website someone just said that you could get twins and they made up a code. YOU CAN NOT GET TWINS!!!!! The rumour was spread throughout the internet and finally someone asked Bandai and Bandai said that they never programed tamagotchi's to do that. The only tamas you can get twins on are Angelgotchi's and Devilgotchi's. You can't get twins on any other tama, not a connections, not on the original tamagotchi not on any tama(except the two I mentioned before). Anyone who says they have twins either has a broken tama, got a charecter that they thought was twins but was not or is simply a liar. So don't go killing your tamas because they would have died for nothing. There are no twins so everybody just stop!

My friend said hers had twins but one of the twins started to run away ;) but i don't belive her because i don't think there is any possible way to have twins.

the only way to get twins is if you mate two tamagotchis. Each parent gets a baby. Basically, they are twins because they come from the same parents but it's not like you have two tamagotchis on one screen to take care of. (unless your tama is a parent).

so how do you make your tama die?????????????????????????????? :huh: :marumimitchi: :chohimetchi: :huh

pls tellme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: : :gozarutchi:

You know, when your Tama dies you only have to hold A and C... No one uses B when Tamas are dead. (I tested this, it didn't work! I agree with people that said it is False!)

Ok i am getting really sick of people posting this. There is no way to get twins! there is a twin character on the angelgotchi but that is it!

It is stupid to spread false information and there is no point to it. Come to think of it, I think Bandai actually said that you can't get twins.

I don't mean to be rude but just get over it people!

- Kohaku :D

WHY DOESN"T ROM WORK ON V3S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROM testing is real!! I've connected with an egg before, and i have seen the egg on my friends's list!! also it does not work on a debugged tamagotchi, because i've tried it before on my debugged tamagotchi. this is a real thing- ROM Testing even has a real purpose: while tamagotchis are being made in a factory, the workers test them to make sure they work and connect okay. When you do ROM Testing, at one point all of the pixels and icons light up. this is to ensure that the tamagotchis are working properly before they are put on sale. i think i will start my own topic on this... and i'll take some pictures!

well actualy i did do it and i did get twins they hatch boy or girl both of them so they dont have babys

this is actualy a real thing

its like the debugging thing but instead there are other options like twins and never die

but you dont have years then it stays 0

i have dont it and its quite good but they are only both on the screen when your doing nothing when u eat there is 1 and same for games

its like having a baby but instead it is a duplicate of your tama


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