Typos in a day...


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I have a problem when it comes to using the shift key and typing 'that'.

THat. That. THea That. THat. THat. Always happens. Or worse, I type something stupid, like THea or THar or THHat.

Thank gosh for spell check!

Too many. :furawatchi:

I try to type too fast and I end up pressing the keys in the wrong order.

Purposely, about 4-7 because I rarely text type. By accident because this keyboard is suckish, 11-14. I just put 4-7 though because that's the intentional number.

A lot.

I don't count, their's too many.

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I make very little typos, but they come up sometimes when I'm typing really fast. Stuff little "propbably" . Mostly spelling. :furawatchi:

Alot. Below, I'm gonna type "I have a cold" as fast as I can.

I have a codl.

xDD Well, it was alright up to codl. xDD

I type really fast, so, I do get typo's.

Not enough to count, though. Haha.

Mainly letter switchings, like Paper*cut said, the as teh and and as adn -shrug- (I just misspelled that! D8)

But I do have spell check on automatic, so when I see the red line, I'm good 8D

mine, 4 to 5

Like: puple and dfrent (common)

(purple) (different)

I will type "hey whats up" as fast as I can:

hey whatd upi

That was ok....

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I always try to type too fat*, and that makes for alot of typos.

*hey look, there is one right there. I spelled fast fat. XD

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A lot. I type at a faster speed and my usual typo is like on AIM.

I could spell 'lol' ';p;' and sometimes I accidently type 'u' instead of 'I'.

That's just the least of it x.x

8-11 probably. It depends on how I'm sitting/laying, and how fast I'm typing.

Normally I look through what I said and correct things. Chat rooms, that's harder to do xP So you see a lot of 'lol*'.

I remember once at school, we were typing on the computer for our assignment and I spelled ''exactly'' as ''esarlu''. We get 1 mark off for each incorrect spelled word. And I had about 6 typos soinstead of getting 40/40, I got like 34/40 :p

Now I am going to type something really fast and I'll show you what it ends up like.

''Hi, my name is ksenia nd I am on tamatalk at this very moment and I am also n ot mAKINMG VERY MANY TYPOS BUT N0W I think I am''.

Okay, that looks abit spammish, but that is how I can type sometimes.

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It all depends on how fast I type. I type pretty fast, so I make alot of typos. But I usually try to correct them

Now I'll re-type that sentence.

it all depeds on how fdav i type. I tpye pretty favt, so i make alot o fo myops but I usuually tty to grorrect them.

[seriously, thats What I typed. The Previous sentence, is the actual correction]

Yeah. My typo's suck when I type my fastest.

Okay I'm going to do this whole post without changing any typos, or PURPOSELY doing them/not doing them. xD

I usuauly make alot of tyops because I try and type fvery fast, and I usaully hit the awrong key alot.

But I usually read over my post first before I post it, so yoj can foind very ffew typoes by me.

I am a naturally fast tyyper but fpor some reaso nmy figners slip and i'm laways hitting the wrong keys; o.0

Oh well. Thank goodness for the edit option. 8D

Wow. I did alot of mistakes. >.< xD

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