Uggh Im Ill


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eww,i get nauseous alot but me no puke^^i stew on something when i feel nauseous,i remember when i was sick i puked and then i stopped and i felt better,but i knew there was more to come and i ignored it,so wne i went to bed i woke up very late and i puked on the floor,luckily i was half asleep so i didnt tatse it that much cuz i was still kinda of sleeping,once i puked,i was wide awake^^
i'vwe done that,

puked in my sleep,

not cool


Aaaw, that sucks Football Princess. Well get well soon! :]

I don't know if this is sientifically proven but apparently eating dairy products (Cheese, butter, milk etc..) will make you want to spew.

I am sorry about your new carpet. Hopefully it will be cleaned.

Hey, look at it this way, at least you get time off school!

Aaaw, that sucks Football Princess. Well get well soon! :]
I don't know if this is sientifically proven but apparently eating dairy products (Cheese,butter,milk etc..) will make you want to spew.

I am sorry about your new carpet. Hopefully it will be cleaned.

Hey, look at it this way, at least you get time off school!
Only if you have this one sickness thing I had last summer. Humph I could't eat icecream, without puking that is.

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Im still really sick ;)

I was sick lots again last night and this morning when I woke up my throat

Was relly dry and That,for some weird reason made me sick again,But my mum recomended sipping water but that just made it come up again,then my dad and cullum said to dring flat coke so I tried that and it stayed down for about 15 minuites.But my mum is getting really worried because I can't keep anything down so im going to the doctor later,But I can't even keep any liquids down either let alone little bits of digestives.But im really hungry but if I do eat something it just comes straight back up again ;) And my throat is really sore because of all the puke.Nobody can tell whats wrong with me they just think it was the chinese takeaway I had on monday night because everyone else had pizza exept me but ive had it before and it only lasted about 5 hours.

Can anyone tell whats wrong with me?

-fp :(

Drink a coke, not a flat coke just a coke, coke sometimes helps settle upset stomaches.

Eat saltine crackers, they always seem to stay down when I go through what your going through.

No water, Aubrey Hepburn said it comes right back up.

Sprite sometimes helps settle an upset stomache also.

Well good luck!

my mom mkaes me toast, she does it lik ethis:

#1 gets bread and but it in the toaster

#2 take out put butter on it

#3 rub garlic on it it sounds groos bu.. its good for your stomache and it surprisingly ... tastes good1 oh and drink ALOT of tea. and take breath candy. Good Luck!! ;)

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Football princess try Orange juice it may make you better!.

;) ~*Emily*~ ;)

Ive tried some dry toast and I feel about 10% better :furawatchi: I had orange juice this morning and it came back up straight away But im sick of being sick! My throut is red raw and im really hot and the bathroom smells really bad :) But then I tried a small sip of this strawberry and bannana smoothie my my got today and then some more until it was gone and that has stayed down for about 15 mins and I feel really sick again so the smoothie won't stay down.I really need a drink I feel dizzy and dehidrated because it just comes up again :D .Callums gone shopping and he is going to get me some sprite but I doubt that will stay down either :D Alex is annoying me,My dad is moaning about my mum burning a Peice of stake and my Mum is yelling at him So im not really getting any peace.And all ive done all day is cry because ive never had anything like it,The worst stomache ache I have ever had,Throwing up like im drunk,Headache,Tired Cold and Hot and my thrat is red raw.And my autie is scaring me because she thinks it might be apendicitis ro whatever it is and I might need my appendics removed and now she has got my mum thinking the same so Im going to the Doctor first thing tommorow,I couldn't go tonight because I just couldn't stop throwing up :p

-fp :D

I hate being sick..... I was nearly being sick on the bus! My tummy was really sore for a few hours! ^_^ Just when I thought I would throw up, the bus stopped- thank goodness! :D

*R-M* :rolleyes:

Dang o.o' Everyone's sick. I haven't caught anything yet to my surprise.
Hope you feel better soon.
I know! I havent been sick at all! (Cramps dont count)

Parents have no right to yell at children who puke on accident, wow its called Carpet cleaner women

Hope ya feel better soon, I dont wanna get sick :rolleyes:

I feel bad for u. The last time I puked was when I was in kindergarten or something. I remember last year it was going around in my school and someone even puked in the drinking fountain yuck! And then the next day, the boy who sat next 2 me was absent and he was for a few days, so i thought he got it too and I thought when he came back I would get it too, but it was only asthma. WOOOHOO!!!!!

I went to the Doctor this morning and he said it might be some internal problem So I have to go back on monday for A test :( The vomiting has stopped a bit now,I haven't been sick for and 4 hours but still nothing to eat,I tried some Ribena and it stayed down but I felt a bit sick,My stomach is still killing me and I can hardly move its so bad :D But I feel better than I did yesterday so im am tiny biy happier ;)


I went to the Doctor this morning and he said it might be some internal problem So I have to go back on monday for A test :D The vomiting has stopped a bit now,I haven't been sick for and 4 hours but still nothing to eat,I tried some Ribena and it stayed down but I felt a bit sick,My stomach is still killing me and I can hardly move its so bad :p But I feel better than I did yesterday so im am tiny biy happier ;)
Oh, that's good! Here's hoping for a really speedy recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :(

*R-M* :(

Aw, get well soon FP.

And if you get hot suck on an ice-cube, thats what i do when I'm sick, it's quite soothing actually.

Oh no that sux. Its awful! I have an crummy cold right now and i occasionally think im gonna be sick. I hate it. Get betta soon! Also mothers dont be upset at your kids fir being sikc and dont make them sleep in the tub! UNCOMFY ALERT

Thanks for the Help and Advice Everyone :D

But I have been better for weeks now and It was just period pains,But Im sure the extra advice would have worked too!

This Can be closed now because Im back to normal now :D

Aimme :kusatchi:

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