Ugh >_>


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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I was out swimming today and I got water in my ear. It's been there for about 6 hours. I can't get it out O<

I've tried plain Q-Tips, and Laying on that side for a little (It felt somewhat better, but still there)

Anything I could do?

Hit your head against the wall until your brains plop out.

Nah. Try tilting your head every once and a while, and when you go to bed, try to lay on your side.


Try laying on your side for a while. I mean a WHILE.

or try plopping your brains out no i is kidding xDD

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When nothing works, time is the answer. Just patiently wait, I remember when I had a clogged up ear, ugh, so awful. Sorry. =\

That happened to me on Saturday. It's so annoying. The answer is to go watch TV or anything that will take your mind off it for a while, and it'll go away eventually

Q-Tips are bad because they could get the water stuck deeper. That's what I've heard. But yeah, lay down some more. Fall asleep on your side, maybe? If that doesn't work, like Kat said, there's ear drops. o:

Yep. They make ear drops. I had to use them for a year along with special water ear plugs in the pool. And that's no fun.

And also what I do to get it out, is kinda jerk your head down, towards your feet, and then to the side.

Edit; Got it. Auro-Dri. ;3 I hope it works. It always works for me. Just look for them in your grocery store or maybe a CVS.

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Ugh, I've had an ear infection before..I'm not sure if it was water. But I had it for like a month, we went to the pharmacy and got this medicine that I had to take.

I pretended to take it, because I hate medicine, so I don't really know if it works, lol. It should.

And I've heard that lying your ear on a hot cloth helps too.


I went to sleep on that side, and I think It's gone, or not as bad as before.

I'll just get a guide to close this. Thanks you guys for all of your help :D've probably solved your problem by now, but I have a suggestion. When I went swimming, I got water in my ear, so that it sort of popped whenever I swallowed? I got annoyed with my ear, so I cocked my head to the left so that the bad ear was pointing to the floor, and then tapped my right ear. After a few seconds a drop of water came out of my ear! The popping thing stopped after that.


Good you got it out :mimitchi:

But an fyi for the future, whenever I get water in my ear and I'm still at the pool or whatever, I hit my head against the water.

Like, if my right ear has water in it, I hit my right ear against the surface of the water. The water ALWAYS comes out.

I've never had it fail me yet, knock on wood C:

You could also try laying that side on heating pad.

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